You see your Ex who is a famous footballer

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Antoine Griezmann: You and Antoine were both watching Netflix as you heard a ring at your doorbell. Antoine paused the TV,"I'll get it" you said as you got off the couch. You swung open the door to see your Ex, Marc Bartra holding balloons and some flowers "Marc?" You say causing Antoine to jump off the couch in the corner of your eye "Oh I must've had the wrong address" you sighed in relief, "Oh okay good, I thought you were like-" he shook his head "No- I know you and Antoine are happy together, I wouldn't break that up." You two both nodded at the same time "Uh you should go now, I think the house on the corner down the street is having a party, cause it's definitely not here so yeah." He shook his head, said "sounds good" and left. You returned back to Antoine who sat back down and said "We should continue watching Netflix" and brought you closer and said "I could definitely Agree with that.

Robert Lewandowski: "Nooo" you groaned as you grasped Robert's hand tighter, putting your sunglasses on and throwing a hoodie over your head. Robert stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and pulled your sunglasses off slightly.  "What's wrong" he asked. You pointed a few feet in front of you. Your ex Antoine Griezmann, was practically staring you in the face. Robert shook his head as Antoine approached you. "Oh hey Antoine, what are the unfortunate chances of meeting you here." Robert rubbed your shoulders and whispered it's okay into your ear. Antoine chuckled "It's okay, I get it, I was a jerk but maybe we can hang out sometime I mean it's okay if you don't want to." You shook your head and pulled Robert, jogging past Antoine shouting," I'm gonna have to decline!"

Lionel Messi: It was Leo's birthday and you decided to have one giant party. You sent out a few invitations but let Neymar send out the rest because he knew a lot more people. It was day the day of the party and the music was loud and most people were drunk. You were in the kitchen cutting yourself some cake when you feel someone tap your shoulder. "(Y/N)? Long time no see? What's up?!" You turned around to see Christian Pulisic, your Footballer Ex. Even though you broke up, you still talked to Christian and maintained a friendship "Hey!" You gave him a big hug and held his hand so you can go meet Leo. You tapped Leo and introduced Christian. You three had a great talk but then Leo asked an awkward question "So how do you know each other?" You both were silent as Christian awkwardly slipped away from the situation leaving you and Leo "we dated a while back" you said leaving Leo with an "oh" face as he pulled you in for a kiss.

Cristiano Ronaldo: Cristiano and you were invited to the Argentina Vs.
America game and it was finished pretty early because Argentina had scored 3 goals. You weren't rooting for a specific team but it certainly wasn't Argentina. Your ex, Lionel Messi was on it. Cristiano went to go meet up with some of his friends so you waited by the Locker room for him to come out as you heard a familiar voice "(Y/N)?" You had a feeling it was Leo and when you turned around, you were right. You responded with an "oh hey" and started to text Cristiano to come out ASAP. "We haven't talked in a while, what are you doing here?" you shook your head slowly "yeah we haven't and uh I'm here with my boyfriend." He crinkled his forehead "Yeah actually, Cristiano, Ronaldo" you started to get more confident "You may know him" He shook his head vigorously "yeah I'm too familiar with him" he rubbed the back of his head,"Anyway, see you around" Cristiano came out a few minutes afterwards "We're you talking to Messi" you sighed, "Unfortunately, he's my ex" Cristiano laughed,"I guess that's another thing I'm good at, keeping a beautiful girl"

Neymar jr: You were scrolling through Instagram as you checked your comments. You saw "Hey" with a Winky face from your ex, Cristiano. You ran downstairs to show Neymar as he was already showing you the comment. "It looks like we are on the same page" you said as you were blocking Cristiano "If you didn't do it I was gonna do that" he hugged you. "I don't wanna loose you, especially to him." You replied "Trust me you won't"

Erik durm: "I can't believe you'd do something like this,(Y/N)!" Erik screamed throughout the house. He threw a magazine with you and your ex Gerard Pique on the cover. "It's just a rumor" you said as Erik responded "Why are you so calm!" He said angrily. You got a little shaky in your voice "Its because I have nothing to hide, it's not true! I love you, he's just an ex!" Erik shook his head in disbelief,"Fine then why are you together?!" You picked up your phone and flipped through the photos and landed on the one from the magazine. You showed him the time stamp from three years ago and said "it was an old photo, from when we were together" he pulled you into a hug and smothered you and kisses In between apologies.

Gerard pique: You sighed out loud as you spotted your ex, Neymar. You motioned that Neymar was right around the corner to Gerard while you were at the mall as he immediately tensed up. "After being on his team for awhile, it still gets awkward talking to him, here." He pulled you into a kiss to blend into the mall. Neymar walked right passed you as you and Gerard were both relieved. "Well that worked out better then expected" you sighed in relief and Gerard definitely agreed.

A/N: This took awhile to make but it was enjoyable :) I will be updating more because I have inflammation in both of my Achilles and I can't really walk or do anything TBH. It's really no big deal but I'm just gonna be a couch potato for awhile lol, and I'm not really complaining about that 😂. Like always Vote and comment and comment again with some ideas if you have any. And I love you very much oh and shoutout to Kara_Lawrence  for this fabulous idea. Love you all ☺️

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