|Antoine Griezmann|

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Maybe a baby?

(Y/N) ran around the backyard, chasing her best friend's 2 year old daughter around as she picked her up from underneath her arms and swung her around

"Gotcha!" (Y/N) said, giggling as she held the little girl named Seline close to to her sides, not noticing Antoine leaning on the open deck door drinking coffee

"Seline! It's time to go" Her friend shouted as she carried her inside, giving Antoine a quick peck as she walked towards her friend

"Thanks for watching her, I was kind of in a bit of a bind and I just hope she wasn't to much trouble" she said, picking Seline up as her head rested on her shoulder.

The married couple shook their head "Nope, she was great, I know I didn't mind watching her, right Hun?" Antoine asked as (Y/N) shook her head

Seline and her mother walked to the door as (Y/N) spoke up "Not at all, don't worry, we'll take care of her whenever you need to okay? Goodbye guys!"  She said, closing the door behind them

(Y/N) hung her hands around Antoine's next as she gave him a kiss,  he held her waist as he pulled away to talk

"I want one" he said seriously, causing (Y/N) to laugh, making her way to the kitchen to grab breakfast

"You want what?" She asked, grabbing a mug from one of the cabinets and filling it with coffee as Antoine came up behind her, putting his hands on her waist tenderly as he placed small kisses in the crook of her neck, sending so many chills up her spine she almost dropped her coffee

"A baby of course, what else?" He said, in between Kisses, causing her to giggle a bit

"A baby? When did you come up with that? What? You liked babysitting Seline?" She asked moving over to the other side of the kitchen by the refrigerator to grab some yogurt and fresh fruit

"Well yeah, you just looked so good with kids you know? And we've been married two years, I think you should at least consider it." He said, leaning against the counter as (Y/N) thought about it, it wasn't such a terrible idea to her.

And so, months later, (Y/N) was 8 months pregnant, tossing and turning uncomfortably in her bed. She bounced her feet around and shoved the covers off of her, as she sweated.

She somehow managed to get her large pregnant belly to sit up on the edge of the bed as she wobbled downstairs, making sure not to wake Antoine up, she didn't want to bother him anymore than usual.

Normally she wouldn't ask for anything, it was more of Antoine worrying about her 24/7. Before, after, and in between games he'd call, he wouldn't let her go out in public unless she snuck out, he wouldn't constantly check on her, even if he asked not more than five minutes ago, and lastly, he wouldn't stop cleaning and fixing everything in the nursery.

She swore that he was more nervous that she was, if anything, she was handling it a hell of a lot better then he ever would

She opened the refrigerator door, searching through everything and didn't land her eye on anything she particularly wanted, even when she searched the cabinets. Out of the eight months, this was actually the first time ever that she was experiencing a see welt bad food craving, and she couldn't sleep over it.

She heard the footsteps of Antoine down the stairs as she felt him tap her shoulder

"Babe? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked frantically, as he rubbed his eyes, (Y/N) immediately shook her head as she started to walk away from him

"It's fine, I was just hungry but I'm just gonna head back bed, it's really silly Anto, don't worry about it" she said, waving it off but Antoine wasn't going to take it as he rushed back to her side

"No sweetheart, nothing's ever silly, Tell me what you need and I'll get whatever, seriously"

(Y/N) shook her head again "Cmon, don't worry about it, I'm tired and it's 3 AM, and I don't want you running out, I'm just gonna watch some TV instead-"

He grabbed her arm lightly "I insist, tell me, it's my baby too"

(Y/N) shook her head, knowing he wasn't going to take no front answer

"Okay fine, but I suggest you get a pen and paper cause it's gonna be a long ass list" (Y/N) stated, as Antoine scrambled to find both, throwing on a white t shirt from the couch to match his plaid navy blue Pajamas he was wearing

"I want, 2 quarter pounders, and a strawberry shake from McDonald's, a large fry from Burger King, a croissant donut from Dunkin Donuts, a chocolate cake from Shoprite and a chicken sandwich from Wendy's just in case" she said, leaning on the stair's railing

He nodded as he jotted everything down "Anything else?" He asked genuinely as (Y/N) laughed

"Anto I just gave you like tons of food, what do you mean anything else?"

He smiled "(Y/N), if you asked me to buy the moon for our baby you know sure as hell I would, I love you" he said, kissing her head as he grabbed his shoes to go out the door

"I love you too" she said sweetly

Now, 1 month later, (Y/N) was laying in a hospital bed as her eyes fluttered

"I'm exhausted" she said, glaring over at the little girl in the small bed by
(Y/N)'s hospital bed.

Antoine crouched down to (Y/N)'s eye level

"Yeah but you can't even say it wasn't worth it" he said as (Y/N) gave a weak smile

"Oh without a doubt it was, trust me"

Antoine stood up to cradle the baby in his arms as the baby girl, Marilyn Rose Griezmann smiled back at him, kicking her Arms and legs up as he booped her nose

"I wouldn't mind having another one, my little girl needs someone to protect her at least" Antoine said as (Y/N) laughed, despite her pain

"Just give me a few moths, I already have her and you to handle, you were already my child to take care of" she said as Antoine put Marilyn down, hovering over (Y/N) to give her a kiss

"Fine, I'll wait" he said, giving her puppy dog eyes

Oh boy, he just doesn't stop

I hope you enjoyed! This one gave me major major feels, and go follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife for some awesome and badass stories!

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