the city

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(lil side note: I picture scorbus kissing as much as sebasdion (Sebb Argo + DionYorkie on YouTube) you should check them out they're super cute


"Is it going?"

"Yes, Al," Scorpius smiled, then turned to the camera, doing his YouTube introduction which was a simple 'Hey, guys!'

"I've been kind of M.I.A. the past couple of days and I apologize, but I've kind of had a rough week and wasn't feeling up to the whole social media thing," Scorpius explained and Albus barely nodded along.

"So to get back on track I went on Twitter and asked what kind of video you guys wanted and surprisingly," Scorpius said sarcastically, "you wanted me to do a video with my boyfriend here," he smiled widely and wrapped his arm around Albus' shoulder before pulling him into his chest and pressing a kiss to Al's temple.

"It's me!" Albus laughed, leaning against Scorpius willingly.

"And a lot of people said they wanted to see Al do my makeup..." Scorpius trailed off and Albus nodded enthusiastically, "And I thought that was a horrible idea, so of course we had to do it."

"Naturally," Albus replied shaking his head, "Scorpius doesn't have any faith in me but I know more about makeup than he thinks. I mean it's not like I hang out with you and Sheila every single day," Albus rolled his eyes and Scorpius shoved him slightly. Albus leaned back in and giggled slightly before quickly pecking Scorpius' lips.

"I felt like you'd be overwhelmed if you had to choose the right stuff from my entire makeup collection, so I put a bit of the basics together for you," Scorpius explained.

Albus gaped at him, then turned dramatically to the camera, "See what I mean? He doesn't think I can do it."

Scorpius laughed and kissed the side of his mouth as Al turned back to him, "Babe, when have you ever done makeup before?"

"Once Lily asked me which lipstick looked best with her dress," Albus answered. Scorpius snorted slightly and rested his forehead on Albus' shoulder.

"Merlin help me," he mumbled, sitting back up.

"Are we ready to begin your makeover sir?" Albus asked playfully.

"Yes, might I ask what kind of look you're going for today?" Scorpius teased.

"I was thinking a more natural look with maybe a pop of color," Albus had no idea what he was saying.

Scorpius was trying not to laugh or roll his eyes, "And what does that mean... for my face?"

"It means you are going to look amazing and you're going to want to wear this look every day of your life," Albus replied confidently.

Scorpius laughed, "Okay, make me look amazing," he quickly pecked Al's lips and Albus smiled against him.

They pulled away and Albus looked through the makeup in front of him, "The first thing is..." he lifted up a container and read the label, "foundation? I'm gonna guess foundation because, I mean foundation is like... the first thing... in anything - like a house. A house needs a foundation to build up on," Albus was doing hand motions to show what he meant.

Scorpius just laughed, leaning onto Albus for support, "Are you really comparing makeup to a house?"

Albus huffed, "Well I mean - there's layers and - and," he tried, still doing funny hand motions.

"Don't hurt yourself, Love," Scorpius smiled, kissing his cheek.

Albus pouted slightly, then turned back to the foundation he had grabbed. He popped the lid off and his face lit up a bit, "Oh! Is this the one that you put on your hand then put it on with a brush or something?" Albus asked, remembering from watching Scorpius do his makeup before.

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