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Scorpius didn't say anything for a long moment. He held up his arms gesturing to his room, "Back in my own room, though I don't know how to feel about it," he admitted to the camera.

"I've been on Twitter and Snapchat, so some of you may know that I've been staying at Albus' for the past month and a half. I've really been slacking on uploading and even making videos. I haven't been in the mood, and quite frankly having your boyfriend around twenty-four-seven is quite distracting, if you know what I mean," he chuckled. "But honestly I'm not in the mood now to make videos, especially not this one, but you deserve an explanation for my absence and my shitty mood. I don't know when I'll feel in the mood again, maybe after my annual trip to France? I don't know, but just understand that even after this, my uploads still won't be as frequent," he explained.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead, glancing down at the paper where he had quickly written out an outline of what he wanted to say. He then pushed it away, deciding he didn't need it and that this video shouldn't be 'scripted' in any way, it was too personal and emotional.

"I guess I should begin with our last day at school, since that's when it started?" he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and continued. He explained everything from his dad kicking him out, to how he stayed with the Potters and how his parents begged for him to come home.

"-and I forgave him and now I'm back here..." he finished. "I don't know what telling you all this will achieve, but I hate hiding stuff from you guys because this is a pretty big deal in my life and I already keep enough to myself," he waved his hand in dismissal and finished up his video. "Anyways, thank you guys for sticking around, even during my half-assed hiatus," he chuckled, "I hope you all have a wonderful morning, day, night, whatever it is where you are!" he waved at the camera for a few seconds knowing he'd cut there because he wasn't going to do his usual outro where he listed his other social medias.

Hopefully this was the closure he needed, he had always felt better about things if he talked about them in front of his camera, plus his fans were getting worried about why he wasn't uploading any videos.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Scorpius glanced at the red light still flashing on his camera, "Yes?" he called.

The door opened and he was ready to fight the person or house elf who hadn't replied, but then he saw it was Albus and he relaxed.

"Oh, hi babe," Scorpius opened his arms and Albus fell into him, pushing him back onto the bed in the process.

"Missed you," Albus mumbled into his shoulder.

Scorpius chuckled, "It's been a day darling."

"I know, but you weren't in my bed to wake me up with kisses," Albus kissed his boyfriends nose quickly making Scorpius giggle again.

"Did you just come here because you missed me or is there something else?" Scorpius wondered, pushing Albus' black messy hair out of his eyes.

"Well... I was thinking, and you know how my birthday is in two weeks?" Albus asked softly.

"Yeah, of course, and I'll be home from France just in time," Scorpius studied his boyfriends face, thinking about how badly he wanted to kiss him all over.

"Yeah, well, I think I want to come out on my birthday, like officially to my parents and family and stuff," Albus admitted.

"Really? That's great," Scorpius smiled warmly, "Are you really ready?"

Albus shrugged, glancing away from Scorpius, "I think by then I will be for sure. But I want it to be in a cool way, you know?"

"In a cool way? What were you thinking?" Scorpius wondered, forgetting the camera was still recording.

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