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This was Scorpius' first time at a Wotter Christmas and he felt quite overwhelmed. After the family grew from ten to twenty within a short decade, they started saying only significant others for plus ones because even though the burrow was rather large, over twenty people was pushing it. And without non-married SO's, there's already twenty five people in the Weasley-Potter family, (twenty six with Teddy added to the mix.)

Sure, Scorpius had been to Wotter gatherings, and he was positive he'd met almost every Weasley once before, but to squeeze in one house with what seemed like three hundred over-energetic redheads was a bit hard to take in.

Albus dragged him around the house the whole time, holding his hand even when it wasn't necessary to pull him through the throng of cousins. Albus made his pit stops and greeted all his family members and introduced Scorpius to the ones who had not met him (which really only was his aunt Audrey.)

When they approached his grandma Molly, she immediately wrapped them into a tight hug, "My boys!" she coo'ed, kissing each of their cheeks.

"Hi, grandma," Albus happily returned her hug and gave Scorpius a reassuring smile.

"I'm so glad you two could make it, and I'm absolutely thrilled that you're joining us this year!" Molly pinched Scorpius' cheeks fondly, making them flush in embarrassment.

"I'm happy to be here too, Mrs. Weasley, thank you for inviting me," Scorpius smiled warmly.

"Oh, of course dear, you are always welcome," she patted his head and they pulled out of the hug. "Now we just have to get some meat on your bones, Mister," she teased, squeezing his arm before winking and walking off.

"I love your grandma," Scorpius sighed, reaching for Albus' hand out of habit as they started to walk off again. Albus squeezed his hand and leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

The couple made their way into the living room just as the front door opened harshly and James' voice echoed throughout the room, "The party can start now, 'cause James Sirius Potter has entered the building!"

Albus rolled his eyes and turned to leave the room just as he caught a glimpse of Sheila stepping inside. Albus had thought he was okay with it, or at least he convinced himself that he was fine with it, but when he saw Sheila and James actually together in person all his anger and resentment towards their relationship came bubbling to the surface.

"Hey, where are you going?" Scorpius asked, turning to follow Albus out.

"Away from them," he replied stiffly. Scorpius meandered after him, confused.

The boys found Rose in the kitchen drinking some sparkly red punch with their cousin, Louis. Louis had been a Slytherin in James' year. He and Lucy were the only Slytherins in their family but no one really minded. At first, when Lucy was sorted, it was a huge controversy, her father, Percy, Arthur and Ron were the most angered by it, but soon came around and eventually Louis was sorted and no one batted an eye.

"Hey, Rose," Scorpius greeted.

"Hi boys, what are you doing in here?" She asked.

Albus huffed, "James is here," he replied briefly. Rose gave him a confused look and he sighed, "And he brought Sheila."

Rose nodded hesitantly, "I don't understand why you're so opposed to their relationship-"

"Same," Scorpius piped up.

"They've done nothing wrong," Rose finished.

Albus huffed again, "They went behind my back and didn't ask if I was even okay with it."

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