is there somebody who can watch you

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"Your mother was to be home thirty minutes ago," Draco said grumpily, glancing at the clock on the wall for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"I'm sure she'll be alright..." Scorpius tried. It was quite obvious that his father was rigid, though Scorpius wasn't sure why. Draco tried to make it seem like it was because Astoria was late, but Scorpius could tell it was otherwise.

Draco suddenly slammed his fist on the table, making the china clink and Scorpius flinch. Draco rested his head in his hands.

Scorpius bit his lip before speaking, "Father, what's wrong? Mother being late has never made you upset before..."

Draco let out a long sigh, "I'm disappointed in you, Scorpius," he didn't even look up from the table.

Scorpius shrank back in his chair as a defense, "Wh-why are you disappointed?" he asked nervously. His father had never lashed out at him in anyway before so he was quite terrified.

Draco finally looked up, "Which one of your friends made you put on that makeup?"

"None of them made me... I-I put it on, I wanted to," Scorpius explained hesitantly.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, "Does this mean you're... homosexual?"

Scorpius' eyes widened, "No, I - I just like makeup," he stuttered, "It's fun, a-and it's basically just art..."

"Why did you think it was okay to wear it in public?" Draco asked, his eyebrows still furrowed.

"Because everyone at school is okay with it, so I assumed..." Scorpius explained.

Draco huffed, "Well you assumed wrong. Did you not see how many nasty looks we were getting while you had that rubbish on your face?"

Scorpius didn't want to argue, but his dad was wrong. There hadn't been anyone giving him a dirty look.

"Then why can't I just wear it here?" Scorpius tried.

"Because it's not natural, Scorpius!" Draco shouted, "You can't go flaunting around wearing makeup and girls clothes like some homosexual, when you aren't!" His chair clattered backwards as he stood up so harshly.

Scorpius bit back his tears and let his anger boil over, "I don't wear girls' clothes! And so what if I'm gay? That shouldn't change the way you treat me as your son!"

"No fag is a son of mine," he spat the word out as if it was venom. "I want you out," He jabbed at the door.

Scorpius choked on his tears, "You can't be serious!"

"I said get out!"

Scorpius stumbled as he pushed away from the table and ran out. He covered his mouth with his hand to try and muffle his sobs. He grabbed trunk that was still unloaded and by the front door and ran outside. He couldn't drag the damned thing very far so he gave up and quickly cast Reducto and stuffed it in his pocket. He made it past the front gate and all the magical wards before dropping to the pavement in a crying heap.

He tried to process all that had just happened. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and found Albus' name through his blurred vision and jabbed his thumb at the call button.

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