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"The fam's out, so we're doing a Live Show," Albus explained to the camera as Scorpius sat down next to him. Albus was laid across the bed on his stomach, Scorpius' laptop in front of him.

"We haven't done one in ages," Scorpius commented, watching as more and more people started watching, "Did you tweet about it?"

"No, can you for me?" Albus handed Scorpius his phone, and Scorpius tweeted from both of their accounts about it. Not long after even more people started watching them. Al was making funny faces into the camera while Scorpius was preoccupied by their phones and tweeting.

"You guys should ask some questions," Albus said, reading through the conversation which was just people saying 'hi.'

"'Why hasn't Scorpius uploaded a video in a while?'" Albus read out loud.

Scorpius sighed, tossing Al's phone down onto the duvet, "I have made a video, but I've gotten half way through editing it and I'm not sure when it will be up. I've had a lot of personal issues...? And just generally haven't been in the mood to go on social media," he admitted. "I might make a video about why later, should I?" he asked Albus.

Albus shrugged, "Only if you want to, I'd say it's a bit personal, but people have shared worse. Plus it might be good for other people, and you even... like for advice and stuff?"

Scorpius thought for a moment, "Yeah, yeah I might, we'll see how I feel about it in the next couple weeks..." Albus, in his awkward position compared to Scorpius', leaned over to press a quick kiss to the top of Scorpius' hand that was resting on the blonde's knee.

"Danny said, 'Ask Scorpius to marry you,'" Albus blushed and buried his face in his fluffy white duvet for a moment, "Scorpius will you marry me?"

"Yes," Scorpius giggled, leaning down and pressing his lips to Albus'. Albus rolled onto his back and Scorpius climbed on top of him, both smiling like idiots as they kissed softly.

"But we can't tell our parents," Albus said, slinking his arms around Scorpius' shoulders.

"True, we have to elope behind their backs, then pretend to be single for the rest of our lives," Scorpius nodded, obviously joking.

"And we'll be buddy, bro pals that just love each other platonically and live in the same house and just act like an old married couple," Albus added.

"We already kind of do act like an old married couple," Scorpius pointed out.

"That's what Sheila says," Albus chuckled.

Scorpius smiled and pecked Albus' lips quickly before sitting back up, "I'm gonna take my makeup off real quick," he explained, climbing off the the bed.

There was a knock on the door and Albus turned around to see who it was. Rose pushed it open holding two bowls of popcorn.

"I brought the goods," she announced, shutting the door behind her with her food. "This one's for you two, and this is mine," she gave the smaller bowl to Albus and sat the bigger one in her lap after she sat down in Scorpius' previous position.

"Thanks," Albus said sarcastically, taking a handful of popcorn.

"Angie asked, 'Since you're gay, do you listen to Lady Gaga?'" Albus read out loud, laughing, "Obviously," he added sarcastically. "Honestly I think I only know like one song of hers," Albus admitted.

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