love it if we made it

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Albus was recording Scorpius talking in the corridor when a cat wandered into the frame and he quickly turned the camera towards it and zoomed in.

"Scorpius, pick it up," Albus dared.

"But I don't know who's he is," Scorpius protested, the sleeves of his robes the only visible thing in the frame now, rather than his face.

"I'll give you two sickles," Albus offered his boyfriend.

"Do you even have that on you?" Scorpius questioned. Albus turned the very-zoomed-in camera back to Scorpius' face for a moment. The blonde had a playful smile tugging at his lips.

Albus jingled his pockets, "Of course. I wouldn't offer a bet that I couldn't follow through," he smiled widely at Scorpius. Truly he knew he didn't have to pay Scorpius anything in order for him to pick up the cat.

Scorpius then bent down and scooped up the fluffy grey stripped cat, cradling it in his arms like a baby. It put its paws on his chest and meowed up at him.

Albus was giggling behind the camera, it facing his boyfriend and the cat, as Rose walked over to them.

"Scorpius, put Sean's cat down, and Al-" she faltered, not used to Albus actually filming in the castle, "Albus why in the world are you recording? You could get in loads of trouble!"

He quickly turned the camera off and sighed, "Rose, you're such a nag, I was just filming for the mems."

"Hmph, well put it away before Head Mistress McGonagall sees you," She started marching away, her books in grasp.

"Warned you," Scorpius shrugged and Albus rolled his eyes. They linked arms and followed her towards the Ravenclaw Tower.

Their final year at Hogwarts was coming to an end and a part of them was excited to move on to the next adventure, but there was also the other part that didn't want to let go just yet. The minute they graduated they'd have to be adults and do adult things like get a house and a job. Here at Hogwarts however, they didn't have to worry about that.

McGonagall approached Albus, Shelia, Rose and Scorpius one afternoon in the corridor before their Advanced Charms lesson. Jonah hadn't taken Advanced Charms, he was on the Quidditch pitch on his off hour.

"Can I please speak to Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley in my office?"

The group gave each other hesitant glances but the two walked off, following the Headmistress to her office.

"What do you think that's about?" Sheila asked Albus softly. Albus shrugged and walked into the classroom, brushing her off. He was still cold about her relationship with James.

Sheila sighed sadly and gripped onto her rucksack band and stepped into the classroom after him. She was trying to be as civil with him as possible, but it was getting harder and harder for her to hold her tongue. She was happy! Why couldn't he be happy for her too?

Back in McGonagall's office Rose and Scorpius sat quietly while she spoke to them.

"Miss Weasley," she began, "I know that you have expressed great interest in a teaching position here at Hogwarts." Rose nodded eagerly. "I wanted to inform you that Professor Brooks is opening up an apprenticeship spot. You have the highest marks in that class compared to the rest of the student body. It prides me very much to recommend you for that spot. It would be four or five years working under him. He would help you master Transfiguration and you would gain great teaching skills from him. Then after those years are up, whenever he decides to retire, you would take over his job permanently. You have until next Monday to decide. If I don't hear by then-"

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