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"Be quiet, Dumbo," Scorpius giggled.

"Sorry," Sheila mouthed, her cheeks a light tint of pink. She set Albus' hamper back up and put his dirty clothes back in it. "Hey, isn't this yours?" she whispered, holding up a Arctic Monkeys shirt that had fallen out of the hamper when she tripped over it.

Scorpius studied it for a moment, "Bastard stole it."

Sheila laughed and tossed it back in. She then made her way over to Scorpius and helped set up the camera, "How much longer do you think they can hold him off?" Sheila wondered aloud.m referring to Jonah and Rose who were supposed to be preventing Albus from coming into his room while they set up the camera.

Just then, as if on cue, there were footsteps on the stairs and Albus' voice echoing through the hall.

"Rose, just let me go to my room, I'm tired," he whined.

"No!" Rose said in a panicked voice.

"Why not?" Albus accused, and in Scorpius' mind he could see Albus' eyebrows furrowed together in a glare.

"'Cause there's... I-I want to..."

"Rose, I swear on Dumbledore's grave, if you've booby trapped me-"

"No! No, we didn't, I promise," Jonah assured.

"Just-just wait a moment please," Rose begged.

"I'm loosing my patience," he was tapping his foot impatiently, his arms crossed over his chest. "That's it I'm going in."

Scorpius watched as he pushed the door open and froze in his tracks, "Scorpius!" Albus ran straight towards his boyfriend, launching himself at the blonde. He wrapped his legs tightly around the blond's torso, and his arms around his neck.

Scorpius held onto the tan boy as tightly as he could, soaking up the joyous feeling Albus brought upon him. He was so glad to be back in his boyfriends arms.

"You're back early!" Albus squealed.

"Yeah! I wanted to surprise you," Scorpius chuckled, letting his eyes flutter shut as Albus pulled away from his neck and attached their lips.

"I'm so happy you're back," Albus smiled against the blond's lips.

"Thanks! Love you too," Sheila replied sarcastically from her spot next to Rose and Jonah by the door.

Albus dropped back to the floor and took Scorpius' face between his hands only to pull him back into a kiss. They kissed for several moments and the other three let them have their time, quietly snickering about how attached they were to each other.

Eventually they pulled apart and Scorpius stepped away, "There's something I want to show you."

Albus gave him a curious look as Scorpius went to take off his shirt. He tossed the shirt on to the bed and turned around to show Albus his scorpio tattoo. It covered his whole back, but they were thin precise lines with a very minimalistic look.

A gasp came out of Albus' mouth. He covered his mouth with one hand while the other went to brush over the tattoo. "Is it real?"

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