loving someone

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(I drew that picture a while ago for this chapter,, tho it kind of spoils it but shh)

The days seemed to be flying by fast and all too soon the air was turning crispy and the leaves were beginning to fall from the trees.

"Did you hear? There's going to be a pride parade in Diagon Alley in two weeks," Sheila interrupted the squads conversation as she sat down at the Ravenclaw table for lunch.

"No? There is?" Rose asked.

"Yes!" Albus chimed in excitedly, "I was just about to tell Scorp that we have to go."

"You'd have to sneak out though," Sheila lowered her voice slightly.

"So?" Albus shrugged.

"You don't care 'cause the last time you didn't get caught," Jonah huffed.

"Yeah, but that's different," Rose shrugged, "At home you get caught by your parents-"

"And get your phone taken away for the school year-" Jonah interrupted.

"You're still salty about that?" Albus asked quietly as Rose continued on.

"-but here you get caught by Filch and bam, you're suspended."

"They wouldn't suspend you," Scorpius frowned. "I mean, sure Filch would want to but come on, people have done much worse..."

"True, but I also don't really care about the consequences-" Albus started.

"Of course you don't," Rose interrupted, "You're like your father."

Albus ignored her and continued on, "I'm going to that parade no matter what. What if that's our one chance? I don't care if I go alone because this means a lot to me and I'm not gonna let some old prune ruin my chance of celebrating my life."

"Amen," Sheila held up her pumpkin juice and then started chugging, making them all burst out laughing at both her and Albus calling Filch an 'old prune'.


Rose eyed Scorpius carefully, "What's up? Why are you so fidgety?"

"No reason," Scorpius answered rather quickly. Rose raised her eyebrows in suspicion, tempting Scorpius to tell the truth. "Oh, alright, fine," he sighed, "But if I tell you, you have to promise to not tell anyone, especially Albus," he warned.

She furrowed her eyebrows, instantly assuming horrible things, "Did you cheat on him?"

Scorpius' eyes went wide, "What? No!? Never!" he shook his head, "It's a surprise for Al is all."

"A surprise? Tell me then," Rose insisted.

Scorpius hesitated, "You can't freak out."


Scorpius fumbled around in his bag that was slung over his shoulder and Rose waited patiently. He pulled out a small navy blue velvet box and repeated, "Don't freak out," as he handed it to her.

She gave him a concerned look before carefully taking the box. She lifted the lid to reveal a sleek ring, a silver band with shiny edges. Her eyes widened, "Scorpius, this is really nice... You're not proposing, are you?"

Scorpius shook his head, "No, it's a promise ring. I took into consideration what you guys said at his birthday and I realized you were right. We are way too young, but I've never loved anyone as much as I love Albus... he's my person," Scorpius explained, letting out a long breath of relief from being able to say that. "Please support me on this."

Rose was obviously not on board, "...Support you?"

"Please," he was practically begging, "Why are you so opposed to us? Is there something Albus hasn't told me?"

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