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"And you'll be packed by next Monday, correct?" Draco asked, stopping Scorpius on the stairs.

"Yes. How long are we staying again?" Scorpius asked, still slightly on edge with talking to his father.

"Only one week," Draco replied.

"Wait, why?" Scorpius wondered just as Astoria stepped around the corner.

"Because we decided not to stay for two is all," Astoria explained briefly.

"But we always..." Scorpius frowned, trailing off. "Never mind that, I was wondering if Sheila could come along. 'Cause you always let me bring a friend..." he looked at Draco hopefully.

Astoria glanced at her husband to see his answer, "Yes, that's fine," he replied stiffly then turned away.

Scorpius let out a sigh of relief and thanked his mother before running back up the stairs to his room.


"Oh my gosh did you see Albus on Twitter?" Sheila asked, laughing slightly. She wasn't even looking at her phone as she talked to Scorpius through FaceTime.

"Yes," Scorpius rolled his eyes, "He's so overdramatic about everything," he continued to wave his wand so his clothes folded themselves and were placed in his trunk.

"I'm going to be so alone! How will I survive three weeks without my boyfriend! Is this what hell is like?" she cried in a mocking tone, referring to Albus' numerous tweets about Scorpius going away.

"He'll be fine," Scorpius chuckled.

"He's not jealous that I'm going with you, is he?" Sheila asked, her tone a bit more serious.

"No, no, I've talked to him about it and he's totally fine with it, I promise," Scorpius assured her.

"But he's like... your boyfriend," she chuckled stiffly.

"Shay, I swear it's fine. Ask him," Scorpius rolled his eyes again.

Sheila sighed loudly, "Alright, I'll take your word for it. Are you done packing yet?"

"Almost," Scorpius answered, flopping down onto his bed, grabbing his phone and holding it out in front of him. Sheila was looking just off the camera applying makeup.

"I'm so excited for France," Sheila squealed slightly.

Scorpius laughed, "My grandparents are bigoted bores, it's not that exciting."

"I know, but it's still going to be great," she replied cheerfully.

"Actually my grandmother is alright, it's mostly my grandfather that bothers me," Scorpius blabbered on.


"Hello, Scorpius! It's so lovely to see you!" Narcissa greeted, pulling her grandson into a light hug. As she pulled away, she noticed Sheila standing quietly behind him. "And who might this lovely young lady be? Your girlfriend?" she teased.

"Ah no, this is Sheila, she's just my friend," Scorpius introduced.

"Hello darling, it's a pleasure to meet you,' Narcissa proceeded to give Sheila a nice hug.

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