a change of heart

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"James, you have too much shit," Sheila sighed as she struggled to close a box, eventually pulling out her wand instead of doing it by hand.

"That's why there's a sell pile and a take pile," James teased. "Albus, go take that box down to my car," James pointed at a large box next to Albus.

"I'm not your servant," Albus crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well you offered to help!" James replied and Sheila giggled. But it wasn't like her usual giggle Scorpius noticed, it was more high pitched and fake... he just brushed it off

"I'll do it, James," Sheila waved her wand and the box was in the air.

"Thanks," he smiled at her, waving his own wand to pick up another box. They both walked out of James room to take them to his car.

The moment they were both out of the room, Scorpius turned to Albus, "Is it just me or are they flirting with each other?"

"No, I noticed it too," Albus replied, walking across the room towards Scorpius. "I swear... If they start dating..." Albus shook his head, burying it into Scorpius' shoulder.

"That'd be a bit weird - for you I mean," Scorpius replied, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

"We can't leave them alone for two minutes and they're already all over each other," James groaned, stepping back into the room with Lily and Sheila behind him. Sheila giggled flirtatiously in response to James.

"They've been even more touchy feely with each other these past like, three days. Have you noticed?" Lily commented as if the boys weren't even there.

"How's that even possible?" James joked.

"It's cause they fucked for the first time," Sheila smirked.

Albus spluttered, "What?!"

James said, "Wait! First time? You've never fucked before?"

"You know, we need Rose!" Scorpius clapped, diverting their attention. His face was bright red in embarrassment. "She'd have this whole room packed and loaded in your car within an hour," Scorpius commented, ignoring James' earlier one.

"True, too bad they left yesterday," Albus pulled away from Scorpius to finish packing up James' room.

"What are you going to do after you're all moved out?" Sheila asked James.

"Well, besides taking uni classes, hopefully I'll find a job to help pay rent. Can't rely on my parents forever," James smiled. Sheila giggled again even though it wasn't funny. Albus wanted to groan. Since when did she have a crush on James? His brother of all people!


There was a polite knock on the door and Ginny glanced over at Harry to make sure she hadn't just imagined it, it had been so quiet.

Ginny got up to open the door and standing on their front porch was Draco and Astoria Malfoy.

"Hello," Ginny greeted, trying not to sound surprised. Harry, Ginny and the Malfoy's had never been close, but the friendship between their sons had caused them to become more... acquainted. They talked occasionally but it was never much, merely a 'Isn't the weather nice today?' and, 'Are you sure it's fine if Albus stays over?'

"Hello, Ginny. Is Scorpius here? We'd like to speak with him if that's alright," Astoria smiled politely.

"Not at the moment," Ginny replied. "He should be back soon."

"Where is he?" Draco wondered, a hint of malice in his voice, as if he wanted to say, 'How dare you tell me where my own son is?!'

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