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"Don't stay up too late now," Ginny called down the hall as everyone was starting to get ready for bed.

"We know," James, Albus, Rose, and Lily all chimed at the same time.

"That was weird," Hugo chuckled as he slipped into the bathroom across the hall from James' room.

Scorpius gripped Albus' sleeve and pulled the black haired boy into his room and shut the door behind them.

Scorpius quickly pressed Albus up against the door and kissed him. Albus reacted quickly, it wasn't like he wasn't used to getting kisses.

The kissing escalated and they stumbled over to Albus' bed. Just as Albus was falling backwards onto the mattress, Scorpius cast a silencing spell around them, and a spell to lock the door.

Scorpius then kneeled onto the bed where Albus was sat. They kissed again, like they were tasting each other for the first time.

"I want you," Scorpius breathed, pulling Albus close to him so they were practically breathing in the same air.

Albus connected their lips in a brief, but heated kiss. Scorpius' lips still tasted slightly like salty tears (and a bit of pizza, it was quite a mixture.) "Is this because of what James said earlier?" he asked.

"No-well yes, kind of," Scorpius replied, still holding Al's face close to his.

"You know you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with," Albus sighed, pushing Scorpius' blonde fringe out of his eyes.

"No, that's the thing, I am comfortable and I'm ready, but my father had always said to wait till marriage," Scorpius explained.

"And you know I'm willing to wait," Albus said, gently running his thumb over Scorpius' soft cheek.

Scorpius leaned into his touch, "I know and I love that you would, but I don't want to listen to my fathers traditionalist shit anymore."

"Okay, so-so you want to?" Albus asked hesitantly.

"Yes, yes, I want to so badly," Scorpius moaned, pushing Albus onto his back and kissing him. There was a general fumbling as they made out, working each other up and tugging at each other's clothes. There wasn't a rush to it though, it was as if they wanted to take the time to get to know the other before tearing into their innocence.

"How do you want to do this? Since it's your first time I'll let you choose," Albus pulled back, breathing heavily.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Scorpius' grey eyes darted around Albus' face.

"Do you want to top or bottom?" Albus asked bluntly.

Scorpius' cheeks flushed slightly, "I, er-" he sat back, straddling Al's hips, "I don't know like, anything about this," he admitted, mumbling as he let his hands fall down Al's still clothed chest.

Albus chuckled softly, sitting up to peck Scorpius' lips quickly. Scorpius turned even more red hearing Albus laugh at him, "It's okay, Love," Albus pushed a strand of hair behind Scorpius' ear that only fell right back in front of his face. "Basically, do you want me to fuck you, or do you want to fuck me?" he said simply.

If it was even possible, Scorpius' cheeks turned even more red and he shook his head, burying his face into the crook of Albus' neck. Albus laughed softly again, "Either way I'll guide you through it and help you," he assured, wrapping his arms around Scorpius.

"I want you to-to..." Scorpius mumbled.

"You want me to top?" Albus finished.

"Does that mean..."

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