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On the outskirts of Arula where the desert lays, the village of Argo is the only town of life on the vast sands. From miles away you can hear the village's liveliness from the marketplace. Some stalls sold carpets, others ceramic objects. Most sold exotic foods and materials from the different clans. In the village of Argo, everything was as peaceful as it got. A group of kids came running across the marketplace, pushing, and shoving through the crowded area, laughing as they did so. The adults weren't as happy or laughing. Some shot glares at the kids, while others had no problem cursing them out. The kids though, didn't care.

They ran out of the marketplace and out towards the desert sands. The village of Argo has many wonders, one of them being the great view of Dragon Mountain that laid just a few days out in the distances. Many people who travel to Argo often come to travel to the mountain to catch a glimpse of the dragons' way of life or try and steal its legendary treasure. But those who go almost never come back. Those who do return tell tall tales of their survival against the mighty fiery beast.

The children who ran through the market rode on their hormels out in the desert and little ways to the mountain. There were five of them in total, each staring at the mountains. "I bet I could go to that mountain and come back with the dragon's treasure with NO problem!" Boast one of the boys. The girl sitting behind him rolled her eyes.

"Yeah right!" Said another boy. "You wouldn't even make it to the base of the mountain, let alone inside of it." The other boys laughed, and the girl smirked. The boy who dared puffed out his chest with as much dignity as he could. That only made the others laughed harder. But their laughter was cut short by a thunderous roar. A great big shadow cast over them and other roar sounded, shaking the sandy earth beneath them. The group of children looked up to see three dragons flying towards them. The children shrieked and their hormels whined and reared. Two of the boys were thrown of their mounts and the other two, and the girl on the back of the one, kicked their mounts into gear and galloped back into town shouting,

"Dragon! Dragon attack!" The dragons, following in suit, heaved in mighty breaths, and let loose splutters of fire and lava on the village of Argo. Sending the village up in flames. 

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