Chapter 17

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Omar, Mika, and Dagner sat in the opposite cell across from where Karma and Jason were being held in. Their cell was just as dark and damp as any cell in the dungeon. And the atmosphere was just as miserable. Omar sat there on the hard-stone floor full of regret. He should have told Karma. He should have told her everything, and maybe, just maybe the situation they found themselves in would have been different. Omar sighed deeply and rested his head against the damp stone wall. His eyes were shut tightly, trying his best not to be filled with so much regret. "Non frette, mon amour," Mika said in elvish placing a gentle hand on her husband's forearm. "It is not your fault; you cannot put blame on yourself for what has happened." Omar peeled open an eye and looked at his wife.

"Yeah, but I can blame myself for not telling her the truth myself. The news wouldn't have impacted her as bad as it has already done." He said and closed his eye again.

"You did what you thought was right," Mika said. "You could have not predicted this outcome. We thought we had more time than we previously thought."

"Aye," Dagner said from the other side of the cell. He made himself comfortable on a patch of dirty hay. "You should not have to carry that burden yourself, my elven friend. We are all to blame, any one of us could have told the lass, but like Mika has said, we thought we more time than we thought." Reaching forward, the dwarf grabbed his right boot from his foot and pulled it off. Taking his stubby fingers he reached inside the boot and pulled out a small flask filled with ale. He popped off the cap and took a swig of ale. "Ah," he said. "They may have taken our physical selves, but our spirits they can never take!" And he took another swig of his drink. He offered the flask to his elven companions. Omar looked at the flask.

"Pourqoui non," Omar said and took the flask taking a sip for himself and passed it to Mika who also took a sip. She made a face after she took her sip and gave it back to Dagner.

"Forte." She said smacking her lips and Dagner chuckled. Lifting the flask he said,

"Slàinte, mo charaidean."

"Cheers." Agreed Omar and Mika.

"Cheers to hoping this nightmare ends shortly," Omar continued on saying. "And that Karma is doing alright." The others agreed and hoped for the best.


They needed to get out of here, and fast. Karma, slowly getting back her courage, was trying her best to figure a way out of this dungeon and get back her book. She spent the days in that cell trying to memorize the guards route, but it was hard to keep track with a foggy head. She still couldn't think straight due to all that has happened, and the little food and water that was given them didn't help much either. "We're never getting out of here." She said in defeat and Jason looked at her with sympathy. He sat at a corner of the cell with Moss curled up in ball on his lap. The cat made frequent visits to the cell and kept the inmates company during their imprisonment.

"Don't give up hope, Karma." He said. "I'm sure we'll get out of here. There's still hope." Karma glared at him from the other end of the cell.

"What hope?" She challenged. Jason opened his mouth then closed it. "That's what I thought."

Mrrr-row? Moss went as he stretched over Jason's lap and looked at Karma with its big orange eyes. Karma snorted.

"You said it," she muttered and plopped down beside Jason. Moss jumped from Jason's lap and rubbed against Karma's legs purring. Karma put her hand down on Moss's back watching as the cat's back arched up at the touch and purred louder. The cat made his rounds at rubbing against Karma and Jason and then settled in between them and fell into a cat nap. Hours passed and eventually Moss decided to leave the cell. Karma and Jason would take their own naps resting their heads on each other's shoulders. As they did, Termis would watch them with curious eyes. As long as he had known the Creator, he had never witness this with her. It amused him that finally someone had finally caught her fancy.

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