Chapter 24

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With the downfall of the cloaked man, the battle had slowly ended. The shadow demons, sensing their master's demise, had ran from the fight. Without their orders, the demons had no meaning. They didn't get far as three out of the four of dragons rallied up the demons and set them a flamed. The creatures dying screeches echoed throughout the battlefield. The royal army, seeing the shadow army falling, had surrendered being greatly out matched. Those who survived and were wounded were spared. Upon their victory, the Clans cheered.

The ogres bellowed, the dwarves laughed, the goblins smiled and patted their comrades on the back, and the elves sighed with relief and allowed the peaceful moment to wash over them. The humans danced, laughed, and cheered altogether. They hugged their friends and family and were grateful for the battle to be over. When the celebration was over, every member of the Clans and humans searched for the wounded and did a body count. Even the royal army had helped. They did not want to be enemy of the Clans or of their own people. They were mere puppets for a false ruler. The elves had quickly set up an infirmary and were taking care of the wounded. The others prepared to say goodbye to their fallen brethren.

Up at Shurli Palace, Karma was in the palace infirmary, being tended by Mika. The she-elf was defecting and stitching up Karma gash in her arm. The whole process was painful. Mika had given Karma some mint leaves to help reduce the pain. It did very little, but it was the thought that count. Jason was next to her on the bed, giving her moral support. He was pretty bang up as well. Jason was cover in scratches and bruises. He had literally looked like he had come out of a war. Once Mika was done stitching up Karma's arm, she wrapped it up in a bandage to keep it from receiving anymore damage. Taking her good hand, Karma stroke Angel's big head. The long-tailed fox had a quick recovery.

Mika made it her mission to ensure Angel's recovery. The fox now rested next her master, as happy as any fox could be. Karma proceeded to recounted what had happened when she took her book and ran out of the throne room. Everyone listen intently to the tale and was surprise to hear that Karma had thrown her book into a fire. "Wow." Jason said when Karma had finished. "That sounds rough." Karma smiled and nodded. She rested her head on his shoulder, exhausted.

"I still don't know where the fire had come from," Karma said after a moment of thought.

"I can help you with that," came a thundering voice from the infirmary window. Omar jumped from the chair he was sitting in and drew out his sword. "Don't waste your energy, elf, I am no threat." Karma lead over the bed at the window to see the side of an orange head peering in. It was the orange dragon. "No offense," the dragon continued to say, "but I did not trust you and came to seek our egg. I sense something was off in that room you call a library and went to see what was happening... I saw that man about to strike you down, so I did what I had to do." Karma looked at the yellow eyes that peered inside the building. She had never been so thankful in her whole life.

"Gratias tibi," Karma said in dragon tongue. "You had saved my life I am forever grateful to you." The dragon snorted and turned his head for a moment. "And what is your name? I am afraid I do not know it." The orange dragon's eye reappear into the window, he squinted at Karma, considering.

"It is Brutus." He said finally. "If you don't mind now, human, I would like our egg back so we may return to Dragon Mountain." Karma sighed and nodded. She wasn't exactly ready to do any moving at the moment.

"Alright." She said and stood with the help of Mika and Jason. Karma looked at Omar. "Where is the egg anyhow? Is it alright?" Omar looked at his friend and nodded.

"It is still in the throne room. I placed it on the chair for safe keeping." Omar said. The orange dragon, Brutus, growled.

"You left our future unattended?!" Omar smiled at the dragon.

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