Chapter 20

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Karma and her companions rode nonstop to the Clans. Time was short. They didn't know how long they had until the cloaked man, Lester, released whatever plans he had for Arula and for the Otherworld according to Termis. Reaching the Umber Forest was no trouble, it was going through it that gave them a bit of a struggle. Half the time they had to walk the horses because the terrain was too rocky and full of roots and other plant life that prevented them for riding through. Within a day and half, they had traveled through the Umber Forest and reached the Dwarf Clan. They figured it would take little to no discussion in convincing the dwarven king to fight for their cause.

Within another day, the finally reached Nork, the dwarf capital. Its big walls greeted the weary travelers. A sense of relief went through them as they knew they were halfway to accomplishing their goal. A dwarven guard met them at the gate as they approached. "Halt!" He bellowed at them. "What is ye's business here?"

"It is I," Karma said. "The Creator of Arula and we are on an urgent mission. Please we must see King Harloff." The dwarf looked unconvinced. He never met the Creator and could never be too careful of who claims to be who. Dagner, who was beginning to look worse and worse as they days wore on, said a grating voice,

"Let us through, I am Dagner and can vouch for my friend. Her claim is true and is very important you let us through." Dagner let out a heavy cough as he finished his words. His companions looked at each other worriedly. The guard, not noticing the strangeness in the coughing, looked at Karma in surprise. He beckon them through.

"Leisgeulan, Creator." He said. "I did not know, yes please, enter, I will alert the King of your presence." Karma nodded her thanks to the dwarf and they rode inside of Nork. They went to the stables and hopped off the horses. Termis, on the other hand, had to help Dagner off the horse because the dwarf couldn't get his stubby legs off the steed. He grumbled something in dwarfish that sounded like he was cursing. A couple of guards met them at the stables and guided them through the castle and into the throne room. As they went through the halls, Termis grabbed Dagner by the shoulder and slowed down allowing the others speed ahead.

"Let me see it." Termis demanded and Dagner snorted.

"Like I would ever listen to you." Dagner said and hobble ahead of Termis, but Termis was quick and grabbed the dwarf by his injured arm. Dagner gasped at the pain. Termis didn't care if he caused the dwarf pain as he unwrapped the makeshift bandage and looked at the wound. It was worse than he had thought. Dagner's arm was completely covered in blackness. The blackness continued to grow throughout the dwarf's body. Termis drew in a breath and Dagner snagged his arm back. "It's nothing." Dagner told him quickly wrapping up his arm.

"That doesn't look like nothing." Termis said. "You have to tell the others. If you don't, I will." Dagner gave him a glare.

"Is that a threat?" Termis gave him a grim expression.

"It's a promise." The two of them stared each other down for a long moment until Jason came around the corner breaking the tension.

"Hey, you two, you guys coming? Karma's wondering where you are." Dagner was the first to break eye contact.

"We're on our way, lad." Dagner said hobbling after Jason. "Let us go and see King Harloff." Jason looked at the dwarf and at Termis curiously. What had gone down between them? Jason wanted to ask but thought against it. It wasn't his business to butt into others'. Termis patted down his ragged shirt and walked past Jason giving Jason a pat on the back.

"Come on then, we wouldn't want to keep Karma waiting then, mm?" He said and Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Yee-aah," Jason said thinking the encounter was very suspicious. Rolling his shoulders, Jason followed Termis and they eventually caught up with the others in the throne room. They had just walked into the conversation between King Harloff and Karma. She was explaining to him the situation that was going on and had asked for his and the other Clans' help in fighting for both worlds. King Harloff sat on his throne, his stubby fingers rubbing his long beard in deep thought. Even Prince Valor, who stood next to the throne, looked concerned at his father. He drummed his fingers on the arm of his father's chair. When Karma finished, the dwarven king hummed in thought.

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