Chapter 23

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Lester burst into the throne room with his shadowy creations in tow. Behind them, a royal guard cautiously made his way in. They hadn't noticed as Moss quickly vanished from view. The cloaked man strolled to the throne looking amused. He swiftly turned on his heels facing the royal guard who stood at the center of the room. The shadowy creations crept around the room, minding their own business. "So." He began looking down at the pitiful guard. "The Creator has rallied an army, mm? How... cute." The guard, with his hand behind his back, was twisting them together nervously.

"That is correct, sir." The guard said trying to maintain the tremble in his voice. He feared this new so-called ruler. This 'saver' as he called himself when he took over Shurli Palace. Humming to himself, Lester turned back to the throne and picked up Karma's book and key he had laid there. The cloaked man had no reason to suspect anyone of taking it. Not with his creatures on duty. The bat-rat creature on his shoulder squawked. Lester scratched it under its chin. Taking the key and putting it into the lock, he said,

"Yes, my little creation, it is time to release them." The lock popped opened with ease and the cloaked man flipped through the pages. Admiring the work Karma had put into it. The creation squawked again. "Yes, yes, I must admit, she has quite the imagination. Too bad it will all have to end shortly." The royal guard stood awkwardly as he watched the cloaked man talk to his winged creature. The winged creature was the ugliest thing he's seen in Arula. With a body, tail, and limbs like a rat, but with wings, ears, eyes, and nose like a bat. The guard could not imagine their creator making such a thing, but who was he to say? Maybe the little creature came from the Clans. The guard never traveled there. In fact, no human really has unless it was for trading purposes.

The royal guard cleared his throat catching the attention of the man in cloak. "Your orders then, sir?" He dared to ask. "About... the attack?" The cloaked man had almost seemed to forget about the upcoming battle. He face quickly cleared of the slight confusion.

"Ah, yes, yes, the invasion. Of course..." the cloaked man thought briefly. "Though I doubt your services would be no longer needed once I have released my ultimate creations, but I could use the time to create and bring them to life... so yes! Have your men ready for battle. I want half of my demons with you on the battlefield and the other half here in the palace. Understood?" The guard bowed.

"Understood, sir, right away!" Glad to be no longer in this man's presences, the guard strolled out of the throne room and started the preparations. When the guard was gone, Lester took it upon himself to sit on the throne. He looked to his right to see the yellow egg resting beside the chair. He smiled to himself.

"I should get rid of you now, but it would be most pleasant to see the look on that red headed girl's face when I smash you right in front of her." With a crooked grin, the cloaked man reached inside his pockets and took out a worn pencil. His lucky pencil he had once called it almost a lifetime ago. "Now," he said flipping to a blank page. "Down to business."


The dragons landed on the field with a thud, not caring if they landed on anything or anyone. Those around skittered out of the scaly beasts' way, afraid that they would attack or land on them. Those who weren't of danger of being trampled, gathered around cautiously. "Salvete!"*1 Karma called to the dragons once they landed. All four faced Karma with sharp eyes.

"Hello to you as well." Iylac said and swung her large green head over to her brothers and sister. "These are the rest of our clan." Karma looked at each dragon. She of course knew Asluk, the red dragon, but she has not meant the other two dragons, the orange and blue dragon. The orange dragon snarled over at Karma and she could tell that he did not like her. Asluk stepped forward.

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