Chapter 13

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Two villages. Attacked. Those words ranged in Karma's head as she walked along the village of Argo. It frightened and upset Karma greatly. Not only are the dragons closing in on Shurli, but Asluk is making his point in a very serious way that Karma had no choice but to come up with some type of plan to find this egg. It was a big order to fill, especially since she had no clue where to even begin to look for the egg. But she did have her suspicion. The cloaked man. It was the only thing that made sense to her.

Not only did he cause the near destruction of the Sprite Clan, leaving them without a queen and causing a whole species into slavery, again, but he also caused the elves to near extinction. Killing them off with a deadly illness. Omar included in those who were very sick. If it wasn't for a gnome called Eon, Omar and many other elves would have perished. Karma wouldn't even blink an eye if she thought the cloaked man was behind the dwarves disappearance almost causing a war between dwarves and goblins. But there was no proof that he could have caused it. Only a strange invisible portal that Karma and Jason had fallen through. Spending days in a weird dimension where they discovered the missing dwarves. Whoever this cloaked man is, he is very clever and sneaky. Karma had no doubt in her mind that he was behind the stolen egg. But why?

Clearly this man was not of Arula. Karma had already decided that. He knew a lot about the Otherworld, or Earth. There's no denying that, but the question remains, how did he get into Arula? Did the guy see Karma go into her treehouse back home and disappear for hours without a word. Did he somehow discover her treehouse, climbed up and stumbled upon a portal, like Jason had, and went into Arula? Many questions lingered as Karma thought more and more about the guy. The man has been haunting her dreams forever now... Karma paused in her walking. Well now that I think about it, she thought, he could have been the mysterious figure in my visions. That thought sent a shiver through her body. She continued on her walk. Karma hadn't had a vision since her terrible nightmare she had several days ago, and she couldn't tell if that was good thing or a bad thing. One a bright note, she thought. I hadn't had my headaches in a while either. Which was true. Karma hadn't had to draw in her book as a remedy to crease her pounding headaches.

She suddenly wondered why. Self-consciously she reached up to her neck where her key necklace hung from its chain. Her thumb traced over the dragon that rest on top of the key. Dragons. She wanted to forget about those jerks. They were no hope and spoke in riddles. But they know about the Creator, and the so-called truth. Karma had to know it. In order to do that, she needed to find their egg. Ugh, her job did not get easier. Karma suddenly found herself at the town's stables. Walking inside she found her noble stead, Pepper, eating hay. Smiling, Karma walked over and placed a hand on the horse's nose. "Hey, girl." She said. "How are they treating you? Good I hope." Pepper snorted and nodded her huge head. Karma smiled. "Good." Karma continued to stroke her horse absent mindlessly.

Looking over Pepper's shoulder, Karma noticed a little furry blob curled up on Pepper's back. Karma rolled her eyes when she saw it was Shari. "And what are you doing here?" She asked the ferret. Shari, hearing Karma's voice, lifted its sleepily head. It yawned and stretched and started to make his way towards Karma. Shari sat on top of Pepper's head and cocked his head curiously at Karma. "I have no idea where you came from," Karma said reaching up to pet underneath its chin. "But I can't deny your cuteness, no matter how annoying you are." Shari let out a small chatter as he was enjoying the chin rub. "Does Omar know you're here?" She asked as she placed her hand out flat to allow Shari to walk across. Shari happily obliged the invitation and made his way up her arm and rest himself around the back of her neck, hidden in her long red hair. "Come on then, let's go find the others." Karma said gave Pepper one last stroke on the neck before leaving the stables.

Karma made her way out of the stables and down the streets, she was barely a few feet from the stables when she saw Jason running her way. "Karma!" He called when he saw her. Karma could sense the urgency in Jason and started to meet him halfway. He nearly ran into Karma when they got close. He stumbled and tripped as he tried to stop himself. Karma grabbed Jason to steady him. Once Jason regained his balance he said, "there you are, we've looking for you everywhere!"

"Why? What is it? Has something happened?" She asked.

"You can say that." Jason said. "But you better come with me first."


When you're a dragon of green scales, it is very hard to blend in with your yellow-white surroundings. So trying to get close to the village was out of the question. Iylac knew this very well. Luckily for her though, there was an oasis little ways from the human village. She knew that she had to blend in where there was green plants everywhere. Iylac laid there with her eyes on the village. It was hard to tell the humans apart from each other. According to her, all humans looked the same. They dressed the same and did the same jobs. Even the intelligence was the same. Humans weren't Iylac's favorite species.

She never understood why the humans would take up most of Arula's lands while the Clans get very little territory over the land. But she guessed it was because the Creator. The Creator was human, as where all Creators. And they chose the humans as the superior race. She snorted at that. Of course humans weren't the superior race. The dragon were. They were more intelligent as well as strengths. They had just destroyed four villages within several weeks of each other. And the weak and unintelligent humans couldn't do anything to stop them. Though she couldn't say that she didn't feel bad for destroying their home. In fact, she felt a little guilty, after all they were just small-minded creatures. Unlike the all-powerful dragon. If the situation were different, Iylac would have felt extremely guilty for burning down the little human's homes.

But the fact still stands. A human has taken their heir, their future to evolving into the next stage of their life. Guilt aside, Iylac had to do her job. And her job right now was to keep an eye on the small Creator girl. In which, Iylac could only hope that the mortal girl would find their egg and fast. Sighing, Iylac resting her slender head between her equally slender paws. She felt her eyes droop as the day wore on with little to no activity. Just as her eyes were about to fully close, she caught fast movement from the little human village. She jerked her head up to get a better look. Five riders were leaving the village. Four on horseback and one on wolf-back. With her enhance sight, Iylac could tell it was two humans, two elves, and one dwarf. The exact descriptions of the Creator and her companions. And where are you going? She thought as she stood up and took to the sky.

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