Chapter 25

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Asluk and Iylac dropped Karma and her friends back at Shurli that morning. By dusk, the dragon swooped over Shurli Palace and landed on the courtyard startling a few guards on duty. When Karma, once again, landed on the ground with wobbly feet, thanked the red dragon. Asluk shook his mighty head. "No thanks necessary, Creator." The dragon replied. "We dragons do what we need to do in order to help keep the peace." The red dragon then eyed Karma carefully. His stone face turned soft. "Though it is us who should be thanking you." Karma gave the red dragon a curious look.

"You saved us." Iylac said stepping around Asluk. "Without you, our line would end. Stuck in this form with no way of evolving. We must evolve. It is the natural order of things." The green dragon gave Karma a toothy smile. Karma returned it.

"We must be off." Asluk continued preparing for lift off. He gave Karma a look. "When the time is right once more, we will be honored to have you returned to Dragon Mountain." Karma bowed her head to the dragon.

"It would be my honor to return someday." Karma replied.

"Saluere." Both dragons said and took off into the sky. Karma and her companions watched as the dragons disappeared beyond the horizon. Sighing, Karma made her way into the palace.

"Now for me to do one other thing." She said to herself.


Omar and Mika had declared to call it a night and headed to their bedroom while Karma and Jason made their way to the throne room. Upon entering, they saw Termis relaxing on the throne. He had one leg swung over the arm, his back resting against the side, his head laying on his knuckles. When he saw Karma and Jason entered, his eyes lit up. "Why isn't it my favorite Creator!" He bellowed jumping to his feet and spreading his arm open. "Back from the depth of the mysterious Dragon Mountain!" Then meeting Karma and Jason in the center of the room, he winked. "And as you can see, Shurli is the way you had left it." He smirked. Karma rolled her eyes. 

"Thank you, Termis." Karma said. "And as promised, you are free to go." Termis smiled again, but this time it was sad smile. He bowed dramatically at Karma to hide his features.

"Of course, oh great Creator." He said. "I am forever in your debt." Karma sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I'll miss you too, Termis." She said. "And perhaps, one day our paths will meet again... but as of right now, I better not see you in Shurli again. I cannot promise that the council won't have you thrown in shackles again." A twinkle sparkled in Termis' eyes. Giving Karma a squeeze on the shoulders he said,

"I doubt our paths will cross, but I will look forward to it." Then leaning closer to her ears, he whispered, "those council people will have to catch me first if they want me so badly." With a wink, Termis strolled out of the throne room. That was the last time, Karma had saw the man. And for the first time since his betrayal, Karma actually felt sadden by his departure. Karma and Jason spent the next several moments staring at the empty throne.

"So now what?" Jason asked. "You know Head-Council Marcus wants an answer as soon as he and the others are free from the dungeons." Karma sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I know." Looking at Jason, she smiled. "I know exactly what answer to give them... but," she paused letting her words slowly sink in for Jason. "I need to know your answer first."


As usual, the council were not pleased to hear that Karma had refused to tell them her answer as who would be the next ruler of the human kingdom. She told them that they would have their answer during the festival. As she promised herself, Karma held a festival out in the fields in Orina. After the cleaning up from the battle, Karma had the Clans help set up for the festival and asked them to stay and celebrate. A contribute to their sacrifices and help. They agreed, being battle weary and wanted nothing more than to relax.

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