Chapter 11

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Karma looked at the beautiful golden dragon in shock, sadness, and anger. She had never known so many emotions that had risen inside of her. Looking at Asluk she said, "your egg has been stolen?"

"Not mine," Asluk said. "Our queen's. The egg is our future." The anger that radiated off the dragon was unmasked. Fire could be seen dancing in his eyes. "But we must not talk about this in front of our queen. She is grieving and must be left alone to do so." Karma nodded and started to walked out of the queen's chambers, but something stopped her. When she turned around, she saw that Omar, Mika, and Dagner had each given the queen their respects by bowing before her. Once they were done, they came up to Karma to follow her out.

"We must all pay our respects," Omar said to Karma in low voice and that came without saying. Karma looked at her oldest friend and nodded. She walked over the dragon queen and gave the queen a quick bow before rejoining her friends at the tunnel entrance. Asluk gave his respectful bows and led the group into the main chambers. It was Jason who stayed behind for a quick moment. He looked at the sadden queen and somewhat sympathize with her. He remembered when his father had left, and his mom had completely fallen apart. She was miserable for a long time, but she soon excepted that her husband wasn't coming back and refocused on raising her sons. But it was those times that had made an impact on Jason's life, and it is on this time that Jason had hoped that the dragon mother will be reunited its egg.

"Jason?" Karma said coming back in. "You ok?" Jason nodded.

"Yeah," he said turning to her. "I'll be fine... I just don't know who would be stupid enough to come and steal a dragon egg. It's suicide."

"Well," Karma said. "We'll about to find out, come on." Jason and Karma walked through the tunnel together and back to the main room. Asluk was there with the others waiting for them. Once Karma and Jason joined them, Karma wasted no time and asking questions. "So, I think we all deserve to have questions answered," she began. "First off, who would steal the egg to begin with and why?" Asluk settled himself on the cool stone ground before answering Karma and her friends.

"As I had said before," Asluk said. "The egg is our future, without it, we will not evolve into our next form of life."

"Evolve?" Karma questioned. "What do you mean by that? And what about all the other stuff you talked about? My predecessors and generations? You aren't really explaining anything." Asluk snorted at her remark.

"I've explained just about everything," the dragon said. "It you, little human girl, that isn't getting the big picture. Tell me, do you think a mere mortal like yourself can create a world like this? Just from a book and drawings? You're just as dimwitted as the others." Karma was startled by this. What did he mean? "And by the look on your face," Asluk continued, "you have absolutely no idea."

"All I know is that the moment I got the book and started drawing and creating Arula, all of this started to appear, and it became real." Karma said in frustration at the dragon. "And if your so wise, why don't you just tell me what's going on and tell me how I can prevent any more lives and villages from being ruined?" Asluk stood from his position and towered over Karma menacingly.

"I will tell you this, mortal," Asluk snarled. "We dragons are the guardians of these mountains, and we protect it and its secrets, even from likes of you, the Creator. We don't share any secrets until the time is right. And from the likes of it, you are not ready to be told of secrets of this world." Asluk let his words sink before his continued on, "and if you want the attacks to stop, then find the egg, bring back here unharmed. Only then will lives be saved. And maybe, just maybe, the answers you seek will come." Karma was speechless. The dragon talks in riddles!

"So that's it then? Find the egg?" Karma said. "Then you'll tell me everything?" Again, Asluk snorted.

"Not me, stupid human," he said. "It is not my duty to tell you anything. It is another." Asluk then spread his wings out and advance towards the group. "Your stay has been over welcomed. I will advise you leave before I make you leave permanently, from the mountains and life itself." Asluk then proceeded to push Karma and her companions through the tunnel and out of the mountain. Karma hated this, not only was the dragon refusing to tell her anything, but the dragon literally was pushing her. If she didn't keep moving as quickly as the others, Asluk's wings would force her to move faster. It wasn't until they finally reached the other side of the tunnel that Asluk stopped pushing them. The bright sun greeted them as they exited the tunnel onto the flat landing.

Asluk stopped at the tunnel entrance, blocking them from reentering the mountain. "Find the egg, bring it back, then we'll talk." With that Asluk disappeared back inside the mountain.

"Well, that, was different." Jason said and looked over at Karma who picked up a small rock and threw it into the cave entrance. He could tell she was not happy with results of the journey. As proof she stormed past them and down the slope path.

"What a waste!" She hollered as she went down with the others following close behind.

"Not a total waste." Omar offered as he caught up to her. "We now know the reason behind the attacks, we just now have to figure out who took the egg and where it is." Karma wasn't listening. She continued down the hill until they made it down to the bottom.

"All I know is that we have to find our mounts, go back to Argo, and tell them what? Oh, I don't know? How about, 'sorry, we can't stop the dragon attacks because need find their precious egg! And oh, guess what? Their total jerks!'" As Karma ranted on and on, Jason considered on trying to reason with her, but a gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"I always find it best to let her go," Omar said to him. "She'll tire herself out eventually and then we can come up with a reasonable plan." Jason nodded and sighed.

"I hope so," he said. "Or we're all doomed."

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