Chapter 15

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Karma and her companions raced across Arula towards Shurli. They rode through the days and through most of the nights. It took them nearly two weeks to reach Shurli woods, and if Karma were keeping a record, that would the top record of fastest ride cross country. Unfortunately, Karma wasn't keeping a record at the time. They slowed their tried mounts in a trot as they made their way cautiously through the woods and into the kingdom. Karma could hear her heart beating. It was loud and fast.

She was angry, to begin with. The cloaked man has done too much damage on her world, and she was fed up with him. But she was also nervous, nervous because she was finally going to see this man again after their first confrontation back at Yunalla. She was also nervous because she didn't know what to expect when she came into Shurli. She has no idea what the cloaked man could have done, or what he was about to do. The possibilities was endless. The cloaked man had already done his damage. He killed off the Sprite Queen, Queen Luska. Karma couldn't prove that he had anything to do with the dwarf disappearance, but she bet every nickel she had that he did. She knew he had something to do with the elves getting sick, and nearly killing off her friend, Omar. No doubt, she had believed, that the cloaked man has something do with the dragons rampaging the villages.

As they drew closer to the gates of Shurli, Karma took in a deep breath. This was it. No sooner that they were in sight of the gate, several guards came rushing out and surrounded them. A young guard stepped forward to greet them. "Creator," he said trying not to sound frightful. "I am given orders to take you and your companions into custody by order our new...king." Karma could tell that young man hated every word that came out of his mouth. Keeping her head held high, Karma swung off Pepper and face the young guard.

"That would not be a problem," she said. "We wish to see this new king anyhow." The young man nodded and motioned for her and her companions to follow. Karma took in another deep breath and waved on her friends to follow and do what the guards tell them. Her companions, wearily, got off their steeds and did what they told. Some of the guards took away the steeds and the some took away the traveler's weapons. The rest kept an eye on them and together they all walked into Shurli. The village of Shurli looked to be abandon. Nobody was out in the streets. Villagers had closed up shops and quickly closed their windows and doors when they walked past. Karma could only hear their foots steps on the cobblestone path and the occasional dog barking.

But what Karma wasn't prepared for, is what laid inside the palace. They walked up the palace steps and through the front doors and what Karma saw made her rethink her enemy's capabilities. The palace was swarmed with shadow-like creatures. The creatures took forms of different predator animals. They stalked and roam the palace like they were guards themselves. They hissed, growled, and barked at Karma and the others as they walked past. Karma and her companions were guided through the halls until they reached the doors of the throne room where the young guard opened it and allowed them to go through.

As expected, Karma was facing her enemy, the cloaked man. He sat on throne, waiting for them. He had his legs crossed and hands folded neatly on his lap, and of course, he had his traditional cloaked over his head, hiding his smug face. Karma got a good look at the throne room that she hasn't seen in a good while. The shadow creatures roamed the room, and Karma couldn't help but think these creatures were parasites of some kind because they seem to wherever you look. Karma heard a familiar whine and looked over at the corner of the room to see Angel chained. She froze when she saw her beloved fox chained and miserable, which only fueled Karma's anger. When she turned back towards the cloaked man, she couldn't help but noticed the giant yellow egg that laid lazily beside the throne chair.

The cloaked man smiled from beneath his hood and reached over to stroke the egg. "It's amazing how easy it actually was to sneak inside the dragon's den and steal the heir to all dragon kind." He said and stood from the chair. "Welcome back to Shurli, Creator, or should I call you by your given name, Karma, isn't it?" Karma didn't respond right away.

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