Chapter 1

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Karma wanted to bang her head on the table. Nothing was more torturous than having to listen to Head-Council Marcus rant to her about appointing a king or queen to the human kingdom. It has been nearly two years since the happenings with Termis and Karma had been busy dealing with problems with the other Clans. So, goes her "accuse", Head-Council Marcus calls it whenever Karma goes to off to the other Clans.

"We have gone too long without a king or a queen," The Head-Council said, his eyes glaring at Karma, who had her head on the table ready to bang it at any given second. "This is your top priority, as Creator of this world, it is your duty to this world to provide the Human Kingdom their next ruler. You cannot dodge this forever, Creator. Do you hear me?" Karma slowly lifted her head from the table, letting her chin now rest on the wooden table, glaring back at the Head-Council. She didn't reply to his question if it even was a question. Either way, Head-Council Marcus continued.

"And as Head-Council, we as the Council have come to a conclusion," the head-council let this hang in the air to make sure that he had Karma's full attention. "You have by the end of this season to announce the next king or queen of the Human Kingdom, or we, the council, will declare that you, Creator, will be our next ruler." Karma's head shot up.

"What?!" She said and stood with such force that the chair she sat in fell back. "I can't be the next ruler, I am the Creator, it would give me too much power. And I don't want the job." Head-Council Marcus sat there, staring at her with uneven patience. Then with a strange calmingly voice, he said,

"well then, you best find the next ruler, Creator, the councils have decided, and your time is wasting." He then stood and nodded to his fellow councilors. "This meeting has adjured." One by one, they began filing out of the room leaving  Karma by herself at the table.

"Well that went well." Jason said sitting in a chair at the corner of the room. He wasn't allowed to partake in the meeting, but he was allowed to sit in the corner and stay quiet. Karma snorted at his remark and made her way towards the door with Jason following in suit. It has been over three months since they've cured the disease back in the Elf Clan and any other news about the cloaked man. Karma has been on edge.

"I don't have time to pick a ruler," Karma ranted down the hall. "I have too much on my mind and too much to worry about! For example, the cloaked man. And trying to figure out what his game is and what he plans to do." Karma let out a frustrated growl. Could things get any worse? Apparently, they can, Karma thought to herself. They continued to walk down the hall together in silence. Angel, the happy long-tailed fox, hopped beside them, her ever-so long tongue hanging out. This, at least, made Karma somewhat happy. Watching Angel reminded Karma of the inviso-cat she put into this world almost a year ago.

The inviso-cat had apparently attached itself to Jason. She remembered when they got back from Abaddon that the cat appeared in the hall on their way to their rooms. It followed Jason to his room and enter with him. Karma had found this assuming since Jason had tried to shoo it out, but those who know cats, know that cats don't care. And neither did Karma. At least she knew where the cat went and was happy to see that it chose Jason to attach itself to. With all this in mind, Karma asked, "so, did you give your new friend a name?"

It took Jason a moment to realize that she was talking about the cat. "Uh, kinda," he said.

"And?" Karma urged, wanting to let her mind get distracted by something else.

"I called him Moss." Jason told her. "Because he, if he is a he, that is, can't really tell, but anyway, because his green fur reminds me of moss. So, that's what I called him." Karma thought about that and nodded.

"Moss," she said trying it out. "I like it." They walked in silence for moments more when Karma got a sudden idea. "Hey, you want get out this dumb palace?" Jason gave her a quizzingly look.

"Uh, sure. Where to?" Karma began to pick up speed.

"You'll see," she said. "I want to show you something."


Karma and Jason rode out of Shurli and its woods and to Orina Fields where she stopped her horse, Pepper, in front of the lonely tree stump. A great oak tree used to stand there, proud, and healthy. It also happened to be the first thing Karma had ever created in Arula. That was, until Termis chopped it down, a way to show Karma who had more power, and to make Karma's spirits go down.

Jason stopped next to Karma and stared at the tree stump. He remembered riding pass it several times during their journeys across the land, but he never really knew of its significance. That was until Karma explained. "This was the very first thing I created in Arula." She said not taking her eyes off the tree stump. "It was the most beautiful tree in this land. I used to have picnics and create stuff underneath this tree..." Karma took a deep breath. It was hard for to say what she felt to someone she barely knew, but Jason was from Earth, and she felt closer to him than to any of her other friends. She continued. "Then Termis, for the spite of upsetting me, cut down the tree. And now it sits here like this. A symbol of what was."

Jason shifted on the horse. "Why are you telling me this?"

"But I feel like this tree." She said looking a Jason. "At one time everything was going well for me. I was flourishing, I had purpose, I thought I had everything.... And now I feel like I've been chopped down. I feel like I'm not control and that I'm nothing more than a rotting log." Karma took in a ragged breath. "Jason, I don't know what to do anymore. This world is changing, and fast, and I don't know what to do or how to slow it down. This world isn't perfect, that much I know, but..."

"But what?" Jason asked shifting again on the horse's saddle. He really didn't like horseback riding.

"But I feel that this world isn't my world. I feel that being the 'Creator' of this world isn't what I am. I feel like a fraud. I don't know anything about my world and it's killing me! And now I have some lunatic running around making my life more miserable than it already is... I need advice, Jason. I-I need help trying to understand what is going on and to keep me from going insane." Karma sighed and put her forehead on the back of Pepper's head. She suddenly felt Jason's hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him.

"Hey," he said. "It's ok to feel like this. I don't blame you. Heck! If I were in your situation, I would feel the same way. Nobody is perfect, and nobody excepts you to be. For whatever the future may hold for us, I will right there with you. Don't doubt for a second that I won't... Trust me," Jason said with a crooked smile. "I don't regret going through that portal." Karma looked at Jason and smiled back.

"Thanks." She said and Jason shrugged. He looked around the field.

"Hey," he said. "Got any cool places nearby we can visit. It's kind of a nice day for a ride." Karma smiled.

"You're talking to the Creator here, of course I know of some cool places we can visit. Ever been to Orina Cove?" Jason thought about it and shook his head.

"I do not believe I've ever been there no." Karma steered Pepper in the direction of Orina Cove.

"Well then, it looks like I'm going to have to give you a tour." Karma kicked her horse in the side and gallop away. Jason struggled to gain control of his brown mare, once he directed it the right way, he charged after her.

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