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I opened up to him.
He knew my darkest and deepest secrets.
And he still spoke with a smile as he said,
"I love you."


Demons are real. I've seen them.
Only its unlike anything you could imagine. They are inside of me.
They control me. Bring out the evil in me.
Only the sad part being they know me better than anyone else.

Behind the watery eyes and fake smile...
Is the real me. So frgail and lost. Broken beyond compare. I lay in a puddle of my own blood. Scars all across my body.

One spoke, "Why did you try and kill yourself?"

I looked up my vision blurry.

"They told me to be happy," I responded.

I had looked down, running my fingers across my scars.

"Of all honesty, what's worse?" I had quizzed on. "Someone staying to make others happy. While others hurt them. If they want me to be happy... They would let me go."

The demon sighed, taking a seat beside me. He put his arm around me.
"We're a lot alike you and I," he says.

"How so I?" I asked looking up to him.

"We're both misjudged. People don't understand us. They call us names. Label us... push us away. They judge us yet they don't even know us."

He looked over, giving me a smile.

"But we're not hopeless...
We can move on, stay strong.
You see the monsters aren't the demons.
They are the people who once surrounded you."


That's how things work.
I sit.
I tell him my stories.
And he listens.

Unlike everyone else he doesn't think of me to be insane.

Of all honesty...
I believe he keeps me sane.

"Dean, is there anything else that happened?"

I shake my head, "No that's all, Cas."


/ -tori

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