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"It's not okay Dean! You need the medication! You need the treatment! I am doing everything I possibly can for you. But it's not enough. It's never enough." Sam yells as I walk into our apartment. I shake my head, here we go again.

I ignore him walking towards the couch. I sit down on the sofa and stare at the blank television screen.

"You are just like Dad," Sam whispers as he takes a step from me.

"I'm not crazy! And Dad wasn't either," I yell, my voice cracking at the end.

"Dean," Sam says slowly.

"Just stop Sam," I say as I walk back in my bedroom.

"You ever thought that maybe you and Dad are the reason Mom left?" Sam yelle angrily.

I quicken my pace, basically running into my bedroom. I run my fingers through my hair and let out a violent scream. I grit my teeth and kick the wall.

"Why is this happening to me?" I scream out.

"Because you are perfectly sane," I hear. I bite my lip as the screeching sound sends pulses through my whole body.

"Go away," I scream back.

"Now, Dean. We both know I can't do that," The voice says tauntingly.

"Please," I beg as the tears fall down.

"Go on, Dean. Flush the pills," Crowley tells me.

I shake my head,"But Cast-"

"Fuck what, Castiel says," Crowley screams violently.

I let out a scream as his words jar through my whole body. I fall to the ground, crippled. I grab at my heart. And let out small breaths as the pain grows stronger. I close my eyes and listen to each and ever word Crowley says.


I grip on to my bag as I walk into the living room. I look over to Sam who is talking away on the phone.

I hear my name and lean back on the wall so Sam can't see me.

"Yes, I know. I know how serious his condition is," Sam stops and paces back and fourth in the kitchen.

"What do you mean that won't help?" Sam yells angrily.

"Look are you going to help him or not?" Sam questions, his voice filed with rage.

"Trying?" Sam slams his fist down on the table, "Well you need to fucking try harder!"

I bite my lip as the same anger hits me. I storm into the kitchen, glaring at Sam. He stares at me with wide eyes.

"You and who ever you are talking to can suck my mother fucking dick," I curse loudly.

I grab Sammys phone from his hand, and quickly dunk it in the full glass of sweet tea.

He grits his teeth, "Dean."

I give him a smile then turn around. I walk to the door waving at him as I do so.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" Sam yells.

"Bobby's place," I reply with a smirk.

I hear Sam call my name after I walk out of the door. I smile, quickening my pace.

I reach into the side of my bag as I exit the building. I smirk taking the prescription bottle in my hand. I look over at the manhole across the street. I smile walking over to it. Lifting the lid with ease. I quickly toss the pils down the hole. Put the lid back on, then walk the other direction.

"Good," Crowley whispers.

-Jaden & Tori

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