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^^ I was in the parade the other day. 🎀 see? I can look cute.

Sometimes 😂


"Okay but does an oatmeal cream pie count as a pie?" He asked looking over.

I raise my hands up, "Not by any means!"

He leans back and laughs, "It is in the name!"

"And it has zero fundamentals of a pie!" I holler back.

"Whatever," He huffs, "It still is delicious."

I open my mouth to say something, but we hear a knock on the door.

"Time to go," Sam tells us.

Cas sighs but nods, "Are you ready Deano?"

I laugh at the stupid nickname, "I guess."

He nods and stands up, walks over to me and helps me up. Which I don't need the help, but I'm glad he helped me.

"I will see you soon?" I question looking him over.

"Of course," He tells me

I smile and then look over to Sam.


The car ride home was long and overall slow. Sam played twenty one pilots the whole time. And he tried talking to me, but I kept falling asleep.

This fucking meds suck, but I guess without them I would be in a world of hurting.

Sam walks in the living room, I walk in behind him. I look around the room.

"Sam it is a mess in here," I say.

Sam shrugs and walks to the kitchen. Sam plays on his phone for a bit while I sit on the sofa, staring at the blank TV.

My head hurts, like a lot. But I can't shut it off.

I look over to Sam, who smiles at his phone.

"Why did you get a new phone?" I ask.

At first he looks mad when I ask that but the he shakes his head, "I dropped it in my drink."

I laugh, "How did you manage that?"

He shrugs, "Clumsy?"

He doesn't sound assured of himself but I ignore it, "Sammy, I am going to take a nap."

Sam nods and tells me not to sleep my life away.


I flip the light on to my room, and I am instantly filled with rage. "Sammy!" I yell. He quickly races to my room.


I make a motion to my room, "It's destroyed! I have a fucking hole in my wall! What did you do? Throw a party?"

Sam looks around the messy room, "I am sorry."



I went on a date yesterday 😌
It was cute
My boyfriend is cute


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