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A/N hello loves , it is Tori.
I hope you enjoying the story (on the road so far) see what I did there? Anyway , school is starting back in a few days and I just wanted to wish you all a great year c: I will say more at the end of the chapter. But yeah c: good luck and yeah you can do it! c:


I shake my head in disbelief as I stare at the book placed in front of me. Sam changed the password on the computer. He thought it was bad for me. That it was unhealthy for me to look into my visions.

Visions, that sounds so odd.
I don't know, everything seemed so fucking real. That man seemed so real.

"Schizophrenia," I read outloud. I shake my head. I don't feel crazy, maybe Cas is wrong. "A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in," I continue.

"Sir," I hear above me.

I look up, "Can I help you?"

She shakes her head, "You could quite down, the library is a place for silence."

I laugh, "And what is it to you?"

She gives me a glare and walks closer to the table I am sitting at, "Well. It is my library."

I shake my head, looking the girl up and down. "There is no way you are the librarian," I reply.

She raises her eyebrow, "And why is that?"

I scoff, "I don't know. Maybe because you are hot?"

She gives me a small smile, "The name's Jo."

I smirk, "Dean."

She looks down at the dictionary in front of me, "Schizophrenia?"

I nod slowly and fold my arms over the book.

"I would hate to meet someone with that basket case disorder," She says with a laugh.

I nod and let out a fake laugh, "Yeah. What a loon."

She smiles and walks back to her desk, "Oh and, Dean?"

I look up, "Yeah?"

"Will I see you around?"

I nod, "Definitely."

She smiles and continues her way to her desk.

I shake my head, "Basket case."
I look back to the book in front of me.

"Okay," I whisper to myself, "Noun. A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation."

I shake my head, I don't understand. These words make no sense. I bite my lip, as the words jumble into my head.

"Come on, Dean. Get it together," I whisper to myself.

I look up, then run my hand over my face. I tap my foot slowly trying to calm myself down. Trying to get some sort of understanding to this. Any of this.

"Why is this happening to me?" I question myself.

I grip the table hard as I feel a deep pressure in my head. I let out a small breath, "What is happening?" I can feel my heart race uncontrollably. Then all at once I hear a buzzing noise. So loud
that it pierces at my ears, and I can feel each and every movement I make.

I let out a small whimper and I stumble back in my seat.

"Stop," I whisper.

A tear rolls down my cheek as the pain sets in, "Please stop."

"Talking to yourself, Dean?" I hear loudly.

I whimper recognizing the voice immediately. Why now, why can't I have a moment of peace?

He laughs loudly sending pulses all down my body. "A moment of peace? Dean, darling. You are never alone. You never have been. Don't be foolish."

I gasp, "How did you-"

He laughs once again, "Dean, I am always with you. I am even in that pretty little head of yours."

I shake my head, that can't be so.

"Always have been," He informs me. I feel my heart sink down into my chest.

"Always will be," He chants.

I close my eyes my mind racing, I need help. Help that I am afraid I will never get.

"About the other night Dean. I forgot to mention-"

"Dean, are you ready?" I hear behind me. I gasp and the voice stops. I turn around to see Charlie. She walks over to me and I feel instant relief. He is gone, for now.

"You look like shit," Charlie says with a frown.

"You don't look too great yourself, princess," I reply not meeting her eyes. I look to the table and slowly shut the book.

"You look like you've seen a ghos-" She starts but then stops, "oh my god! It is happening right now isn't it? I thought you said it stopped? I thought you said Castiel gave you meds? Damn you, Dean. Talk to me!"

I let out a small breath, "It did. It stopped. I was just reading up on some stuff."


OoOoOOhhHHh shit Deany Boo BoO yOu bE A LyInG

wHooP wHoOP c:

Hello loves once more
I hoped you liked this chapter!
I high key doooooo c:

Ight my lilac monkeys
Lets talk about hell!
I mean school

Okay so I am low key nervous..
But I am hyped at the same time. I am going into my 11th grade year at a brand new school. So fuck yeah! Let's do this shit! (But then again like I wanna hide in a corner and pretend I don't exist.. So..)

S/O to the freshman. I know it's so terrifying.. But you will make it. High school is different then middle school. Like a lot. But it gets better. I went in there expecting something completely and entirely different.. If you ever wanna talk about it I am here c:

Like to all grades lmao but like i mean freshman year was scary, ya know. So yea c:


AOTD: 11th even tho... I already said that.. XD but yea c:

Have a good day babes

I love youu

// - Tori

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