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I let a loud scream out as I turn on my blinker. I jerk the wheel hard to the left. I hear tires squeal behind me followed by honking. I let out a laugh and throw my middle finger up.

I reach over, swerving as I do so. I turn the radio up as loud as it will go. I switch through the stations trying to find something tolerable.

I shake my head as I reach to my passenger seat and grab a unopened beer. I quickly open it take a large gulp.

I look behind me, seeing four sets of headlights. I laugh and turn my blinker on and take a hard turn. Hearing the familiar honking.

I reach up, and grab a CD. And quickly put it in. I turn the radio up a tad higher and take another swig from my beer.

"I am better off alone," I holler out as I speed through the stop sign.

"Once upon a time not so long ago," I sing loudly and off key.

"Tommy used to work on the docks, union's been on strike
He's down on his luck, it's tough, so tough," I continue as I take a right. Honestly, I have no clue where I am going. And the scary part is I don't care where I end up.

Why should I?

"Ginaaa works the dinerrr all day working for her man
She brings home her payyy, for love, for loveer," I sing a little bit louder and chug the rest of the beer. I roll the window down and throw the glass bottle out the window.

I reach over and grab another beer, quickly opening it up.
"Fuck you Sammy," I yell out as I take a sip.

"She says, we've got to hold on to what we've gotttt," I sing as I lick my lips. My vision getting blurry.

I have no idea how much I have drunk. But if I can remember Sam. Then clearly not enough.

"It doesn't makeee a differenceee if we makeee it or nooot
We've gooot each otherrr and that's a lot for loveeee," I sing loudly. My face gets hot. And at first I don't know why. I bite my lip feeling the tears wash over my face. I nod, I do care. I hit the brakes and turn the wheel.

I have to go back, I have to see him.

"Dean stop," I hear loudly causing my ears to sting.

The voice is Crowleys.

But it's too late.

The car locks up and jerks to the left. I let out a loud scream and then try and jump back. I have no control.


We'll give it a shot

Woah, we're half way there
Woah, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand, we'll make it I swear
Woah, livin' on a prayer


Hey guys its Tori.
Check out my story sex ed.
Its always fun to update c;


Sorry yall I'm in a piss poor mood rn.

Ever just feel like you aren't good enough??
^ constantly


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