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Jealousy is a bitch

Uncomfortable settings

Unknown feelings

Hidden by a smile

What is there to see?

Hidden and uncovered

Forgetful and freighting

This world is unbarring

Teeth gritting misery

Always holding back

Fearing the unknown

A coward I call

A victim of the world

Life is a pain

Let's throw in the bag

Please let's give it all up

Say goodbye to it

No more lies-

No more fake smiles

Standing here I see myself

Falling to the ground

I croak letting out a sob

As the tears stream I think

Why was I placed here?

I can't do this any longer

And I've known for a while

I'm useless hell call me-

Hopeless, A burden a fail

I give it all up

I give it all away

Smiling I greet my grave


"Wow," Cas says after I finish telling him my story.

I look away, tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks

I nod, "yeah."

"Are you lying?"


"You know you can talk to me, De," Cas whispers and I cringe hearing the nickname.

"Yeah," I respond.

He sighs, running his hands down his face.

"I can't help you if you won't let me in," He whispers.

I bite back on my tongue, looking at him

His eyes looking at me with what seems to be concern.

"And why do you care?" I snap suddenly.

"Because it's my job," He responds.

I nod standing,"Exactly that's all you fucking care about. Go ahead tell your boss I'm doing fine. In the end all you care about is your fucking pay. You think I am crazy too. Don't you? Say it. Say I'm crazy!"

I run out of the room but before long, Cas catches up to me,"That's not all I care about."

I turn around slightly,"I don't need your pity."

"For your information I think of you as a friend," He whispers.

"A friend who isn't crazy, you just need help. You need to let me in" Dean."

I look away, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Just leave me alone," I whisper moving towards the door.

He reaches out grabbing a hold of my hand, "Dea-"

And that's when I lose it. The last thing I remember is hand against mine.



I smiled getting off the bus. I turned around waving to the bus driver. Humming slowly I walk up my driveway. Looking around I noticed cars I have never seen, parked everywhere. I smile skipping to get to the door, when we have guests mom usually cooks a lot.

The living room is empty to my dismay.

I put my bag down walking to the kitchen.

I frown not smelling any food lingering in the air. Walking to the fridge I take out a Capri Sun. I struggle slightly putting the straw in. I sigh trying once more. I smile throwing my fist in the air. I got it! I laugh at myself. Only to shush myself seconds later. As I hear voices coming from my mom's room.

I sneak up, hiding at the door. My attention to scare her. Only someone speaks up before I can.

"You're sick, really sick. I'm not sure if medicine can help you any longer."

I hear my mom sigh,"I just don't know what to d-"

She stops and I raise my eyebrows wondering why.

"De, sweetheart. Is that you?" She asks.

I bite my lip, busted.

"Come here sweetie," My mom whispers.

I nod walking to her, she smiles as if she hadn't just been delivered bad news. She puts her arm around me. "How was school baby?"



😌😌 Fetus Dean is a qt

Now lets all grab our capri suns and drink to this cutie 😜✨

// -- Tori


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