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^^ me smiling (ft my lil sis) bc I almost have 300 reads on "Therapy"

That makes me crazy happy.
Thank you all so much.
It means the world 🌎

-Tori 😀😀

(Sorry for the cliff hanger fam.. But I had to yoooo)

I let out a gasp, opening my eyes.

Where am I?

I try moving, but I can't move. It's like I am trapped. Everything's fuzzy and I can't remember anything. I don't know where I am, I don't know how I got here.

I let out a whimper.

"Look who is awake," I here someone say.

I turn over trying to figure out where the voice came from.

"Dean, don't move. You are going to add more strain to your neck," He tells me.

I sigh, exhausted from what little movement I have done.

"Who are you?" I question.

"I am your doctor," He informs me, "Kevin."

I open my mouth but he shushes me, "No talking, you need rest right now. You will have plenty of time to talk when Castiel gets here."

"I am not tired," I lie.

Kevin doesn't say anything for a moment, and I bite my lip.

Who is Castiel?

"I could eat," I say slowly.

Kevin laughs slightly, and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my left thigh. I let out a small yelp, then next thing I know.

I am out again.


3rd Person POV

"Clear all of his memories," She whispered slowly, "replace the bad with the good."

"Can you do that?" Sam questions looking the man ahead of him in the eye.

"Absolutely," He replies.

The room went silent for a moment, every eye slowly drifted toward the trench coated man in the back. Who hadn't spoke a single word.

"What?" he hisses, angerily, as he acknowledges their eyes.

"Cas, I am really sorry," Sam managed to get out.

Castiel stands up, and pushed the table away, "What is the fucking point?"

And with that, Castiel left the room. Leaving everyone in shock.

Sam looked down at his hands, "I feel like this is my fault."

The woman walks over to Sam, "Not by any means is this your fault. You're trying to protect them both."

Sam bites his lip, as if he isn't convinced.

"He was remembering things, Sam. We just didn't know how bad it was until he had that crash. He was hearing Crowely. How long would it have been till he remembered everything? What if he would have remembered Cas-"

The man coughs loudly, interrupting her, "We have kept Dean unconscious for going on nine days, we need to act fast. His body won't be able to hold much more."

The woman nods, leaving the room.

Leaving Sam to himself.

Sam stands up, and walks out of the room. He goes across the hall. Standing in front of room 43. Where Dean is laying, almost lifeless on the bed.

Sam places his hand to the door, "I'm sorry Dean."


Attention readers

We have  now we have reached our plot twist.

If you look to the left you will see me crying on the inside.

And the right you will see a naked statue of Donald Trump

Thank you for choosing
This book


I crack myself up c:


Have a great day guys...

After 'therapy' is completed I will be working on 'sex ed' and as well as a larry fic called 'letters to'



Therapy | Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now