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"How was therapy?" Charlie asks as I walk out of the building at towards her car. I shrug my shoulders. And sit down

"Seatbelt," She says as she pulls out. I nod and reach behind me. Pulling the strap around my chest.

"Charlie...I think something's wrong with me."

"Damn right. You're insane."


Charlie looks at me, confused. "I said I'm here for you, Dean."

I shake my head. Thinking I must have just imagined it.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Charlie.."

"How about doing the world a favor and fucking killing yourself? You're worthless. No one needs you. Not even Sammy."

Tears fill my eyes. I wipe them away and clear my throat.

"Stop it, Charlie."

"Stop what, Dean? Pretending to care about you? Gladly."

I stare out the window.

"Why are you saying this?"

I turn towards her and am surprised she staring at me, and shaking me with one arm. "Dean! DEAN!"

I stare at her. "What? What's wrong?"

"You've been saying crazy things. Not understanding me. What's wrong with you?"

"I-I don't know."

• • •

I laid in bed thinking for four hours, maybe five... I finally drifted off, tossed and turned, and then woke up drenched in sweat and crying.

The nightmare started like this

Sammy was moving in to my apartment. Everything was normal at first.  Then out of nowhere Sam gets thrown up onto the ceiling. Catches fire. I try to grab him, but the room is going further and further away, and a deep voice says, "You're not crazy, Dean."
and I yell out, "NO! SAMMY!" and try to run.

and the voice says, "You're not crazy, Dean Winchester."

And I whispered "You're not real."

"I'm the realest thing in your reality, Dean Winchester."

And I woke up, and I whispered "Crowley..."



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