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I never thought I would be in this position. So hopeless and frail. The ruthless words. The cruel thoughts. Haunting, all of it is a mess.


Wings of the broken
Loneliess ?
Loneliness is the sound of the rain...
Knocking against the window
Tears staying down cheeks...
Of the angels with broken wings
Not only is loneliness that
But so much more...
Loneliness is a dark blue color
Overtaking the fallen angel...
Masking them
Hiding their scars and fate...
Scents of flowers from the spring
Arise from the autumn like air...
Loneloness comes in all sorts of forms
And in a way theres a dark beauty in it...
Loneliness is where you discover


"You have scars along your body, like railroad tracks, only no train. No trail. No end. Because I know where your heading. And theres no train to heaven," She whispered as I curled into her side.

She was sick and out of her mind. She needed help. Help I couldn't give her.

"I woke up sweating," I tell Cas.,
"I was crying, shaking."

"Was it a bad dream?" He asked

I bite my tounge back, so I won't tell him it was a flashback. I nod.

"Sam, my uh, roommate had came in during the night whenever I was awoken. He held me and told me everything's gonna be alright."

Sam and I have lived with one another for about 3 years. As soon as I turned 18, him and I moved in together. Things are alright between him and I. Well we wil make it at atleast.

I'll admit times were tough in high school but I had my Sammy to fall back on.

I remember every day coming home, with a new bruise. I never told the truth about them, I didn't want to add more pressure on my mom. She already had enough on her.

I didn't have many friends back then. Well I guess of all honesty I couldn't say I do now. However my freshman year of college I met a girl named Charlie. We both majored in social economy. However, I dropped out mid semester my dad had got sick of my failing grades. So in the end he stopped helping me financially. I couldn't pay any longer.

I even had took up two separate jobs to try and pay for my cost.

After that Sam and I bought a new apartment. The one we are in currently. It's in uptown Newyork, it's a tad randown. But it'll do.

After Charlie had finished College the three of us spent more time with each other. And I guess you could say that the three of us share the apartment together now. Charlie had turned the spare bedroom into her own.

I shake my head coming out of my thoughts. Looking over and met Cas' concerned eyes.

"I didn't believe him, " I whisper.

"I do," Cas says.

"I feel like my head isn't screwed on right. I hate feeling this way, so different. I feek weak. I don't think I will ever be alright," I hiss out.

"You'll be okay, Dean. You're stronger than you ever will realize. Smarter than you'll ever know. And so much more Dean.. So much more."


// -Tori

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