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I hear footsteps behind me as I pick up my speed. I run as fast as I possibly can. I do everything I can think of just trying to escape. I take a hard right and then a left.

I duck under the low branches and take off behind the bushes.

My follower mocking each and every action.

"Go away," I yell loudly.

I hear loud laughter, booming on and on. The sound makes my ears sting. I carry my hands to my ears trying to block out the sound.

Falling to my knees I cry out for help. However no one helps me. And no one can help me. I can feel it in my chest. No one can help me. I am completely alone.

I carry my head down to the ground trying to press my hands over my ears harder.



The laughter chants on.

"What do you want from me?" I manage to gasp out in between breaths.

"Dean," The voice chants on.

"Dean," He says while carrying out my name.

"What do you want from me?" I scream out once more.

"I want you to remember," the voice hisses out with rage.

"Remember, Dean." He yells over and over.

"Remember what?" I scream back as I tighten my grip around my head.

The stinging in my ears spreads to my head and it throbs with each of his words. My chest aches and I am crying out for each and every breath.

I hear the wind pick up behind me. The sky lit up and the booming escalated.

I feel pressure being added to my shoulder and I attempt lifting my head up. However i am incapable. I can't do anything.

Then I realize it's my follower. He tightens his grip on my shoulder and flips me over.
I lay on my back, and I quickly shut my eyes.

"I want you to remember me," He hisses and I squirm feeling his hot breath on me.

"I want you to remember what you did," He says in a whisper.

I bite my lip unsure of what to do. I need to escape.

"I want you to remember who you are," He says and his voice fills with anger.

His grip tightens and he shakes me, "Look at me, Dean."

And with that, I slowly open my eyes. I look over, looking at the sky. Then the trees and the gound. Anything and everything to avoid looking at him.

"Where am I?" I whisper quietly.

"Purgatory," He responds as he leans up.

"Purgatory," I repeat.

What a strange word.
What a strange place.

"And who are you?" I question still looking at the gound.

"The name is Crowley," He answers.

"Crowley," I repeat sounding out each syllable slowly.

And for some odd reason, in that moment. The name sounded so similar

"You, took a lot away from me
Because of you, Dean. I had to change everything. I had no other choice," Crowley whispers to me bitterly.

"You destroyed everything," He hisses as he stands up. He shakes his head and smirks down at me. "You are pathetic, Dean Winchester."



I woke up sweating, my heart racing. I sprung up from my bed. Breathing deeply I walked out of my room, racing to the computer.

I quickly pull up google and type away. I frown looking down at the screen clueless as to what the words meant.





(in Roman Catholic doctrine) a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven.




having the quality of cleansing or purifying.

"infernal punishments are purgatory and medicinal"

I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face. I look down reading the time on the screen.

"2:38," I read out slowly in between breaths.

I shake my head and look back to the screen. I blow out air steadily trying to understand what the words all meant.

"A place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven," I read out slowly.

I shake my head, "What the hell does any of this mean."

"What the fuck are you doing up," I hear behind me.

I spin around looking up.

"Oh, hey Sammy," I respond.

Sam rubs his eyes and he looks over at the computer.

"Purgatory?" He questions.

I nod,"Yeah, I had another one of those dreams again. Only this one was crazy vivid. There was this guy named Crow-"

Sam cuts me off and pushes past me. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Dean? Why do you do this shit? You are fucking insane! There is no purgatory! And there was no man! Okay?"

"Sam," I whisper slowly and the tears threatened to fall. I stand up slowly, "Come on, Sammy. I am your brother."

He shakes his head, "No."

I look down at my feet, "Sammy. Please."

"Don't fucking call me Sammy. Dad called me Sammy. Don't, Dean. I am not your fucking brother."

"Sam come on n-"

He shakes his head, "No, Dean. Just fucking go back to bed."

I nod and walk towards my room. Dad would have listened to me. Dad always listened.

I sighed leaning against the wall. I look towards the living area. Maybe I should say something else to Sam. Maybe I should apologize.

I stopped when I heard Sam speak up.

"He needs help, he is getting worse."

I sigh, and walk back to bed as Sam finishes up his phone call.

He is right..

I am crazy.

// - Tori

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