|| Confused & Sad ||

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Move on? How could I ever do that? I will think about you every minute of every hour of every day, and that's why I'll be okay. After everything you've done for people, for me. You'll be with me every time I feel something. You'll be with me in all the people whose pain you've taken away... And in every person that we gave hope, the faith that something good could happen... for all of us. You'll be with me in every person who's happy now, at peace, because of you..I'll never forget you. You will always be with me, and no matter what happens, I will always love you☁


I hate to say it, but I always will love love..

Lately, everything has been so difficult..  Wondering

Do I love you?

Can I be with you?
I wish..

The thing about love is..
Darling, you don't have to love me back and.. Maybe you don't

I hope you are well, and happy.
I hope you have everything that I may have ever held you back from.  I hope you can blare your music as loud as you can. And I hope you never touch that sad songs for sad days playlist. I hope your friends make you laugh and keep you smiling. I hope your parents are easier on you now that I am gone. I hope you can go out with your friends whenever and wherever. 

And I hope that you have found someone who can make you more happy than I ever did.

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