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QOTD: What's your favorite Holiday?

AOTD: Halloween 🎃 It is honestly just so lovely. It makes me crazy happy.. And I am so excited for Halloween this year. My birthday is in October which is cool as well ya know. 😁



The following days, go by smoothly. I don't leave my room. But I have plenty of people coming in and out.

Charlie actually just left, she was sweet. Brought me a stuffed bear. It was blue and had the words get well soon on the stomach.

For some odd reason, the nurse keeps informing me that Bobby keeps calling the hospital, asking for me. Which is odd. Sam and I haven't spoke to Bobby in ages. And why would we?

I remember the falling out between Bobby and dad. Or well I sorta remember it.

Everything is still sort of fuzzy.

Kevin said it's the medication and it will ease up soon. Which is a huge relief.

I would hate to have my memory off whack.

Castiel comes by a lot. We talk about cars and sports. Yesterday we talked a great deal about pie. All kinds of pie. He keeps bringing me it.

When Castiel comes to visit me it's honestly one of the best times of the day. He is so relaxed. And its not all about my car crash with him.

I don't remember how I know him, he looks fimilar.

But Im assured it'll come back to me within time. Like Kevin said, it's the meds.

Which suck by the way. I almost fell asleep talking to Charlie.
I don't understand why they have these toll over me. It's kind of annoying.

But Sam told me I will only have to take them for a little bit longer.
Im relieved, I will be going home soon. I don't know how far we are from home. But I didn't care enough to ask.

I hear a knock on the door, and I yell out come in.

"Did Charlie leave?" Sam asks stepping inside.

I nod, "Just left," I point to my bear, "Look what she brought me."

"That's nice Dean," Sam says with a lack of interest.

"What did you talk about?" He quetions.

I shrug my shoulders and sit up, "The crash. It seems like that's the only thing anyone wants to talk about. Well besides Cas."

Sam raises his eyebrow, "What does Cas talk about?"

"Cars," I say slowly, "Pie."

Sam laughs, "Very interesting."

"How do we know Cas?" I ask leaning forward.

Sam scratches his neck, "It's a long story."

I shrug my shoulders again, "I have time."

Sam looks away, "It was such a long time a go. I ac-"

His phone starts ringing. Sam doesn't bother looking down at who it is, "I have to take this."

I nod and he walks out of the room.

I sigh, I wish I was in my own bed.







ANd on a less exciting note.

It's almost been a year since I meet the girl of my dreams...
I saw her the other day.

She didn't even look me in the eye.. She saw me.. Kept walking.

While I saw her..
Turned around.

And watched her walk away from me..

And tbh it brought a lot of memories back for me.

I wrote this

I miss the taste of her lips

The way her skin felt against mine

I miss the way she laughed against my skin

I miss the way she was nervous

I miss the way she became unraveled at my fingertips

I miss her

I miss my best friend

I miss the first girl I have ever fell in love with..




Idk yo

Tbh I haven't been able to be with another girl since her..

I hurt the person I was suppose to love and care for

I was suppose to be there for her

Not bring her down



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