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Has anyone watched the show Haven before?

Because OML

I love it 💕
Its on Netflix c:

I also adore Orange is the new black.

When Ruby Rose showed up I cried tbh.. She's so fucking gorgeous. Like honestly.. If I had a girl like Stella. I don't care how many times she fucked me over.

Okay well know that my first gay thought of the day is out of the way lets carry on to the chapter
(Where more gay shit will proceed).

- Tori


I open my eyes slowly, the light is so bright. I hiss as my eyes try to adjust. I blink several times, it feels like my body is numb. Only my head is pounding.

I hear a door shut and I quickly shut my eyes.

Two voices, one of them I recognize as Sam. The other? I haven't a clue.

"I know you care about Dean. I do to. But we have to do what is best for him," Sam tells the other person.

"And maybe I am what is best for him," They reply back.

"And how can we be sure that you are Cas?" Sam questions.

"How can you be sure that I am not?" He questions back to Sam, only this time angry.

Sam doesn't say anything back, and the other man speaks again, "Sam. I am in love with him."

Sam lets out a sigh, "I know. I know, Cas. I just don't know how to fix this, I don't know how. I just want my brother back."

"Do you have any clue what I have lost in this Sam? Do you? Honestly?" The man says loudly.

I hear Sam shush him and just like that they both walk back out the door.

I bite my lip and my open my eyes, my heart sinks down in my chest. And I haven't the slightest clue why.

Who was that man?


"How are you, Dean?" Kevin asks as he fills up my IV.

"My head hurts," I tell him as I sit up. I guess I must have fell back asleep after Sam left my room.

"Don't worry," He says flicking my IV, "This will take care of it."

I nod and he grabs the clip board at the end of my bed, "Have you been awake at all today?" He asks.

I shake my head, "Nope," I lie.

"Can I have some food?" I question before Kevin has time to say anything else.

"Dean, do you know why you are here?"

I shake my head and Kevin takes a seat at the edge of my bed.

"You were in a car crash. Just you alone, but the crash was bad nonetheless. You cracked two ribs, Y-"

"Is my car okay?" I question interrupting Kevin.

He looks down at his feet, "I am no mechanic, Dean."

I bite my lip and he finishes telling me my injures. After he is done he leaves the room, telling me he will check in with me soon.


"Dean," I hear someone say above me.

I open my eyes slowly, I look up meeting someone's face.

"Woah, you have pretty eyes," I let out as I sit up.

"Thank you," He replies.

He puts his hand around my back and helps me sit up. Which I didn't need the help, but for some reason. Im glad he helped me.

He moves his hand off my back, and he moves back slightly. I twitch slightly as he does so, and he carried his hand back over to me. His hand overlapped on to my own.

It feels nice, it feels fimilar.

I almost wish he wouldn't move it, but he does.

"I brought you something," He tells me.

I smile, "You did?"

He nods and scoots a tray over to me. I smile looking at the food.
I am starving.

"I even brought you this," He says lifting a lid off a small bowl.

My smile widened, "Pie!"

He laughs slightly at my excitement.

"It's my favorite," I tell him.
He reaches over and hands me a fork and spoon and I quickly dig into my food.

He walks over and inspects my IV.  He undoes something on it and I raise my eyebrow.

He shrugs," I wanna talk to you."

I give him a small smile and he continued, "This is what keeps knocking you out."

"Thank you," I managed to say with a mouthful of food.

"Of course," He says with a grin.



This chapter makes me smile


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