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|| So I am sorry. I have totally abandoned my stories lately. I've been overthinking..

It is odd. Like I can be happy for a whole. My friends make me happy. My boyfriend. makes me happy..                      but

There is this one thing.. My ex still has a hols on me. We had 3 years together.. They were crazy.. Sometimes bad. But Good.. Great.. Amazing.

But.. I just..

He let me go..
Like.. A lil over a month ago.
And like I moved on..
But I didn't really..

Ya know?


"Pie!" I chant as Cas makes a turn. Today is the first day Sam is letting me go off without him. He has been acting so weird since I got out of the hospital. He wouldn't let me do anything.
He is worded I will hurt something.

Cas laughs,"What kind of pie are you getting?"

I smirk,"One of each."

He laughs, "So cheesecake. Cheesecake is good."

"No," I start, "Cheesecake is great!"

Cas laughs and looks over at me. Maybe for too long.

"Look at the road,"I tell him as I reach over and grab the wheel.

Yet instead our hands sort of just land on each others. Cas giggles and his thumb glides over my own. He hooks our thumbs together. And honestly.

It is nice, it just feels.


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