Rare & Rejected

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      I'm Treasure Hale. Yep. Hale. My blood brother is the Derek Hale. I'm sixteen, well, since yesterday. Now, I did have parents but they both died when I was 10, I don't really know how and it sucks.                    

Derek has been taking care of me over the last six years and since yesterday I have been waiting for my mate. Derek says I could not find him but I keep my hopes up. If you don't understand what I am hinting to then I should tell you that we are not normal. Mates are NOT the same as soul mates, like at all. Mates are more linking to one another, mates are for wolves. Now if you still don't get it then I suggest you stop reading. Flat out, were wolves, well werewolves. Though different then what you think, we can turn into real animals not half-half. Our senses are hightened and we are very cautious.          

My brother is known to be a rouge. A rouge is a lone wolf. But he has me now and he settled into a nice pack called, Black Ash Pack. He's trained me for this and to be a wolf even only for a day so far, is thrilling. My brother found his mate in this pack, they're all lovey dovey. But, I feel happy for my brother. He told me that when you find them, you can scent them from accross the room and when you touch it's like sparks. I really can't wait!! There is two packs in our town, Pax Valley, Pax is 'peace' in Latin. The other pack is Dark Shadow,  I'm not allowed to meet them but I'm being made to go to school and I cannot avoid seeing them. 

  My wolf, Derek told me, is pure white, meaning I'm rare. She talks to me in my head, I can feel her in me wanting to run and play. She's so curious. In wolf I'm called, Little Paw, meaning curious newbie. 

  'I can talk about myself and I am not that curious.' she echoed inside my head. 

   'Shutttttuupppppp you are!' 

   My wolf and I bickered back and forth. We always do this. Back to what I was saying, I'm going to school tomorrow, maybe my mate will be there! Eh. I hopppeeee!!!! I forgot to say what I look like, I have long brown curly hair and hazel eyes that my wolf and I share. I am mid-height and I am average in weight. I play softball and listen to many many many things other than rap or country... ew.

  I laid my head back onto the pillow and drifted into a sweet deep sleep...

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