Like Brother Like Sister

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I stared at him and Allison spoke up, "Oh hey Scott. This is Treasure! The one we were trying to find-" Scott cut her off, "Yeah I know. First off we don't need another like Derek. He's done enough in one week. Two of them-" I snarled at Scott and he looked at me. I spoke, "I may be Derek's little sister but I don't take on his irresponsibleness and by the fucking way he took care of me since I was little you douchewad." He corrected his posture and talked back, "I wasn't finished.-" he turned from me to the group, "I was saying get out of this place. Not the damn town. Listen before you speak." I glared at him and turned to Derek. "Uh, so those guys are a couple hours away. Not that far. They will know I am gone in like two hours. And-" Derek spoke, "Wait. Where's Ryan?" That's when I stared at him and Lydia asked who he was. I blinked out many tears. My brown hair fell over my face. I shoved my head into my hands and turned to the door and I was gone.

My wolf brought me to he edge of the town. No scents I knew of were near and she broke from my body. I felt freedom as my paws hit the ground. I howled and then the pain and realization hit me. Ryan. That name. That name is going to hurt me for the rest of my life. What if I leave. What if I go to California. Maybe Derek wouldn't try to find me if he knew I was okay.

My furry legs bolted through the forest. I jumped through branches and over fallen trees. I didn't want to stop then I heard a branch snap behind me. My freedom mixed with sorrow turned to fear. I flipped around to face another wolf. I felt like I recognized him and he stared into my wolf eyes. Those bright yellow eyes were so familiar. OH SHIT! Scott.

He howled as an alpha. Howls in the town joined. I counted, Derek, his, Issac, and another 4were heard. I wanted to join them. I wanted to be in their pack but I didn't know what I was going to get myself into so I resisted.

Their song stopped and he tilted his head at me. I looked at the ground. Then my wolf wrists. Even then I could see the scars that didn't heal from the wolfs name cuffs. Scott and his light tan wolf with a black face and white paws stepped and stared at my wrists. His wolf nose came to the scars. His tongue licked the cuts as a sign of affection and he nudged me playfully. I felt connected with him. Almost as much as I did with Ryan. I like how all this came to be from meeting my mate. Scott stepped back, singing his wolf song again. As each howl joined it turned into such a pretty sound. I then entered with my high pitch sound. Some of the howls stopped in confusion. Others continued. Mixing with my howl. I almost felt like one of the pack.

Scott stopped and so did I. Our eyes connected. I never wanted to leave. I wanted to sit there and stare for years. I didn't want to think of the horrid future I have because Aiden and Ethan probably know where I am. I just- I just want to know what they were going to tell me. Maybe I'll never know. Maybe it's for the best.

I followed Scott back into town. We went around the edge then into the woods. A house that had been burnt badly stood. Barely. But it stood. Derek was there and smiled sadly once he saw me. Racheele wasn't there but she had been. I could smell her. Derek tossed me some clothes and when I looked back at Scott he was gone.

I changed into shorts and my Supernatural shirt with my red converse and the beanie that Ryan had returned to me a long time ago. Only a month or so, but it felt like eternity. Derek eyed me then coughed and he started talking, "Treasure. You don't know anything about our family. Nothing. This was our home Treasure. With our aunts and uncles and cousins and our- our parents. We have an uncle. Treasure I took you away from here after the fire. I couldn't risk you. I'm so sorry. Treasure I'm going to tell you the truth." All I could do was stand there with my mouth agape as a man with short cut hair and questionable eyes stepped forward. "This is our uncle." I shook my head, "Derek I know our family died. I mean I can't believe we have an uncle but-" he slammed into my sentence, "Our parents are alive. I don't know where but they're alive." My stomach dropped to the ground. I shook my head, "What?" He swallowed nervously, "Let me explain."

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