Please tell me you're lying...

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I jumped up from a bed that was not mine. I ignored everything and ran to the door. Of course it was locked. My legs flew to the window. It was locked on the outside. Heh, Grreat! My eyes scanned the room for what I needed. A chair. A wooden chair flew through the window and I crawled out. My eyes peered down at the ground, 7 feet away from me. Great. I was contemplating whether to do it or not then the door started to open and I took a deep breath. 
    My legs hit the ground, "Treasure!" I recognized the voice but I ran. My wolf abilities collided with my human form so I could run fast. Apparently not as fast as my kidnapper. He must have been a wolf, if so an alpha. My legs carried me until arms snatched my body up then pushed me to the ground. I fought. My canine teeth lashed out. I slammed at the attacker then I just stopped. That scent. I opened my eyes to an angry... Ryan Wesley. Crap. NO. NOT CRAP?!!?! MORE LIKE WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING KIDNAPPING ME AND WHY IS MY BROTHER IN ON IT?!!!?!?!!?!
   "Ryan?" I whispered. He smiled lightly. I felt rage engulf my body,"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BIG ALPHA JACK AS-" "SHUT UP!" He snapped. I stopped and he dragged me back to that house.
      He brought me through the front door then sighed. "You broke that dang window so I guess you're in my room." I stayed put when he tried to bring me upstairs. He turned to me with anger in his eyes. "What." I scoffed, "I am not going in your room." He glared at me, "Then you can go in Andrew's room since you like him so much." I was to shocked to find out Andrew was in this also so Ryan was able to bring me upstairs. "Here." he mumbled and pushed me inside leaving me with an almost panic attack. Tears formed into my eyes. Why, Derek? Why would you help him? The door was locked and I couldn't go anywhere so I walked further into the sorta dark room and laid in the corner. I wrapped my arms around my legs and sat there,for God knows how long, just bawling my eyes out. 
    "Treasure?" I turned to the door and there stood Andrew. I took short breaths, it was so hard to cry whilst having a panic attack. He shut the door and came to me, "I thought you were in that room..." he mumbled trying to not let me hear him. "I got out- R-Ryan caught m-me and t-threw me in h-here awhile ago..." I sobbed and Andrew left his arms around me, "Treasure he really loves you." I pushed him away, "Is that why he kidnapped me? Because he loves me? If he loves me he wouldn't have rejected me. I don't care about him,about anyone anymore. Alex is the only person I love in my life. That's it. Alex Paine. The only person that I can-" Andrew cut me off, "Treasure, Alex and Derek set this up..." then I started my full fledged panic attack. Shockheart tried to comfort me but I just slammed him away and calmed myself. When I was done I cried and cried and cried. Of course. There is absolutely nobody I like anymore. Oh! Racheele!! I curled into a ball and cried some more then passed out.
     A beautiful woman in all white and a man in black were kissing then turned to me I had tears, "Mom? Daddy?" They smiled and I ran to them I threw my arms around them, "I miss you! I need you guys back!" "Oh Treasure sweetheart-" then their bodies were gone and everything went black. Screams went through my head and realized something. This is the sound of my parents getting killed, "MOOOOMMM!!!!! DAAAADDDDDD!!!!!" I dropped to my knees and the room spun. I heard the screams then sound of death. I started breathing heavily and ran to the light. My parents laid there covered in blood. I screamed on the top of my lungs. I wanted to die. 
                                          REAL LIFE:
 Arms rocked me awake I didn't care who it was, I just needed someone. I put my face in their shirt and cried some more until I was too tired to cry and I fell asleep in this persons arms.~

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