Never. Ever. Will I Love Him.

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My head spun as I pulled my body up from a bed. I turned to see Andrew sleeping on the floor. He let me sleep on his bed and he slept on the floor? Awe. I smiled then frowned. I- no. They are all jerks and I only trust Racheele. I ran to the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom and I cried. 

     "Treasure?" I peered up at a tired Andrew. I turned away and walked back to the bed. Andrew followed, "Ryan will want to see you soon so I will get you clothes." My eyes burned with tears then I wiped them away angrily, "Whatever." I mumbled then I was alone. 

    My body went to the door and wow- it was unlocked!! Slowly I pulled the door open and left. This room was right next to the stairs, :P heh... I breathed in and ran for the front door that laid at the bottom of the stairs.  

    I slammed against the wood then unlocked it, "Treasure?" I heard a door upstairs open then someone start to come downstairs. But I did not stay to find out who it was. 

    Right when the door opened I zoomed away. My human legs were fast but I was faster as a wolf. My long furry legs bolted past dozens of trees and many other wolves. My ears twitched at the sounds of others behind me but I did not stop. I ran until a cliff laid ahead of me. I whimpered then flipped around to run but there he was. A pure black wolf with dark eyes and bright teeth that were dripping with anger. I stood my ground and growled for him to let me go by. That's when we made a head to head conversation...

'Treasure. Come back to the house.'

'Get out of my way Ryan.'

'Treasure. Don't make me force you.'

My wolf howled with laughter, 'You can't make me do anything.' Then I realized he was an alpha and could use his darn alpha voice to make me do something. And then he did use it-

'Get. Back. To. The. House.' his tone growled through my head. Even I couldn't run anywhere but to that house. I growled then walked low to the home. 

Walked in as a wolf then went into Andrew's room still as a wolf. I dragged my wolf body to the corner and curled into a ball. "Treasure here are your clothes, change, then come downstairs." My deathly hazel eyes glared at Shean and he threw in the clothes then ran out of the room. 

The pile consisted of a baggy Zebra shirt, ripped jeans, converse and my key necklace. After changing I threw my hair in a messy bun and went out of the room and down the stairs.

 "I guarantee that she won't want to see you, neither of you." Allin said as I listened through the kitchen door. "Please, I have to talk to her." "Me too." The voices in there were so easy to recognized and I slammed the door open then began yelling.

   "Oh come on you guys don;t even care, obviously. I MEAN I'M HERE BY FORCE, ARE'NT I?!!?! You have no right to tell me why, Derek. AND YOU EITHER ALEX! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU AND THAT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS WHEN THE ENTIRE TIME YOU WERE WITH RYAN PLANNING TO HELP RYAN WIN ME BACK. Reality check, I'M NOT GOING TO LOVE RYAN, EVER!!" Derek and Alex had sorry eyes, I scoffed, "I hate you guys." 

   Ryan was in the movie room and he had an entire pile fixed up. He smiled brightly at me, "No." I snapped and walked out. The look on his face was so unforgettable. It was the look of pain and rejection, just like how I felt when he rejected me. Ugh.

  As I lay on Andrew's floor the door knob turned until it was pushed open and Ryan was standing there with a blank expression. "You're sleeping in my room with me tonight so be ready to come to my room later, see you later." Then he left me speechless. I sighed and stood, honestly I did not want to be in the same room for five seconds with that jerk, let alone one night with him. Great. Just perfect.

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