The Phone Call Part 1

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Recap: Once she passed out I looked for anything that had to do with Steve or dad.


I never thought mum would have Steve's number. I dialed Steve's number hoping he'll answer.

"Hello?" Said a voice. I think it was Steve.

"Hi. Is this Steve Randle?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, what's it to ya?"

"I-it's Anabelle." Stop shuttering! Ugh... god

"Oh my god. Anabelle how ya doin?!"

"I'm ok. You?" Yes! I ain't shutterin' ☺

"I'm great. I miss ya kid sis."

"I-I m-miss ya too big bro." Ugh... spoke to soon 🤐😕😖

"Hey sis, what's wrong? You're shuttering."

"Oh um... nothin. J-Just uh um... cold! Y-Yeah I'm j-just c-cold." Great lie... stupid😖


"Yeah Stevie?" Uh oh. He's definitely gonna know somethin's up. I only call 'im Stevie or Steven when somethin's up.

"Does mom abuse you?" So much for not wanting him to know.

"Um... kinda..."

"Pack your bags sis. I don't want you gettin' hurt no more. Ya'll can stay with me." Is he serious? He's not gonna be after a while.

"What about pops?" Dad might not want me so let's see...

"I moved out last year." Damn it!

"Oh ok... you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm positive." Not after a while. "You still live in Dallas, Texas?"


"OK I'll pick you up in 4 hours. You better be ready."

"OK I'll start packing."

"Bye I love you sis."

"I love you too bro. Bye"

When we were done talking I went to my room and packed my t-shirts, jeans, undergarments, bracelets and my sweatshirts and hoodies cause I don't want Steve to know I cut yet. Let's see how this goes. I bet I'm comin' back here after a few days of bein' there.

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