Hanging out with Johnny Part 1

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Oh, who am i kidding? Why would Ponyboy like me? He could get any girl. I mean he's Sodapop's younger brother for crying out loud. Man, I'm suicidal too. I self harm, I'm anorexia, I'm depressed, I'm self-conscious. I'm just going to hang out with Johnny. I hope he will accept me. No one would. I think he'll be my only friend. I went over to the couch and sat next to Johnny.

"Hey Johnny." I said in a quiet voice.

"Hey Annabelle." He said back in the same voice.

"You can call me Anna or Belle if you want."

"OK, Belle. You wanna go to the lot?"

"Yeah sure. But can we actually walk around town?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"Ok, just let me tell Steve first."

"Yeah, ok. No problem. I'll wait for you outside."


I walked to where Steve is talking to Sodapop. "Hey Steve?" I forgot he can't hear me. I tapped on his forearm.

"Hey shorty what's up?" He said in a cheery voice.

I motioned him to come closer to me. "I'm going to walk around with Johnny. Is that ok?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"Yeah, sure shorty. Just be home before 10 ok?"

"Yeah, sure. Thanks Stevo." And I gave him a hug.

"Awwwwwwwwww." We heard from Sodapop.

"Shut your trap or I'll make you holler uncle." Steve said.

"Ok, I'm going to go. Johnny's waiting for me outside." I said as I started walking out.

"Wait! Johnny's waiting for you? Is something going on between you to?" Sodapop holler.

"No. Bye guys!" I said and screamed that last part while running out.

"Come on slow poke!", I yelled at Johnny as I pasted him outside.

It took Johnny a while to process what just happened. Once he realized he was hot on my trail and said, "Wait Belles! Show down!"

I realized I didn't know where I was going so I just slowed down for him to catch up.

"You *pant* are *pant* a stong *pant... pant* runner." I realized that I also ran 2 miles. "How did *pant* you learn to *pant pant* run so fast? *pant pant pant*"

CRAP!!! Johnny can't know that my mom abused me. But then again I can trust him. Decisions, decisions. Guess-

"You can't lie to me either Belle." Oh well. I wasn't even going to lie to him. "Really?" I guess I must've zoned out and talked out loud. "Yeah, you did." Johnny said again and laughed. His laugh is cute. I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. I'm so glad it's dark out now.

When Johnny called me Belles I felt happy. No one's given me a nickname other than Ana, or Belles. (Other than Stevie of course.) Huh. This is weird. I've never felt like this before. I must've had a confused expression because...

Sorry it's short guys.

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