Unexpected Visit

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Johnny's POV:

"It was about my mom. I've always had a nightmare about her. I always wake up sweating and crying. Tonight it was about her finding me. She took me away from Steve. Danny wasn't here to help me. Which, sadly is true right now. He's all the way in Texas." after I heard Belles say that, I heard her start to cry. Man, I feel bad for her. But I know how she feels. I just don't want her to know that I know this. I know that sounds weird and awkward wording but just go with me. I can't really explain in. The only thing I can do now is to let her tell me on her own time.

*7 hours Later* (8:15 am)

Danny's POV:

I wonder how my baby girl's doing. Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking. Isn't it weird to call her baby girl? Well, the thing is... with Ana-bunny and I, I call her baby girl so that no one tries to hit on her. She thought it was because I see her as a little sister. Truth be told, I love her. Not in the brotherly way, but since she doesn't like me like that, I'm OK being her brother. Anyways, when she told me that she was in Oklahoma, I don't know what made me do it, but I bought a train ticket to go to Tulsa and see Ana-bunny. It's like I can feel something bad is going to happen to her. So, I'm here in Tulsa looking for her. I see a gas station called the DX up ahead. I'll see if they know where I can find Ana-bunny or Steve. When I walked in I was kinda shocked to what I saw. Since there was a bell and it rung when I went it, he turned around and saw me...


Dun... dun... dun...

Who do you think saw Daniel guys? I can't belive I've done 3 updates in a week. Sadly, tonight might be my last update. I'm going back to school tomorrow guys... I'll see you next update.


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