"I know she likes yous, a lot..."

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*Important A/N at the end*

Belle's POV:

"What's up Ponyboy?" We were sitting on the couch. The rest of the gang was outside playing football. I didn't want to be outside so I was on the couch thinking if I should write a story, or write a song.

"I know it's probably a bad time but, I like you. I really do. And I uh, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the movies with me. As a date." he said, "Or if you don't want, we could just go as friends." he quickly added afterwards.

Should I? I mean, I like him. I really do. Plus with the time I knew him two years ago, I think I'll go. I mean, he's cute and sweet. I'll do all three.

"Yeah, I'd like to go on a date with you, Ponyboy." I said with a smile.

"Really?" Pone asked joyfully.

"Really." I said with a giggle.

"Cool, yeah, that's real cool. Will you, uh, excuse me for a sec?"

"Sure." Story, what could I write? Oh! Maybe a story, like a fiction one. Where Dallas has a baby sister, and I add two characters. Johnny would have an older brother, he'll be the same age as Dallas. Johnny would be the same age as Dal's little sister, and I talk about their little adventures. I also show how they are when they get older. The guys will be about the age of 2 years ago. Johnny and Dal's sister will be about 5. Dal's little sister could be called Esmeralda (*Wink wink*).

"K cool." Now for the song...

Pony ran out, no doubt to the guys.


"Who said yes Pony?" I knew that was Dal.

"Yeah Horseman, who said yes to you about what?"

"Oh, uh, t-the the girl that I-I-I like." Oh no. He's shuttering. Will Steve know he's talking about me? I mean, I've been gone for almost 2 years, he can't know, at least, if I didn't tell him or if Pone didn't tell Steve.

"Hey Pone can I talk to you in the kitchen?" I heard the guys 'oooh'ed at that. Sometimes the guys can be immature. But I love 'em.

"Uh, sure." While Ponyboy and Steve went into the kitchen, me being me, I went to eavesdrop on them.

And don't you DARE judge me. Cause I know you would to. (Yes I am being sassy. That's what you get for bring with the socs... Gross...)

"So, you're goin' out with my kid sis huh."

"Uh, well um. Would you be like, yous know, with, because, like, uh-"

"Chill Horseman. I know yous likes my kid sis. I know a lot of things. Like when I-" Steve cut himself off, "Nevermind, but I know you like my kid sis. And I know she likes yous, a lot. So, I'm not gonna kill yous... Not yet at least. If you break my kid sis' heart, I will make sure you can't see nor walk for a while. ESPECIALLY if you so much as do other things other than holding my kid sis' hand, cause I know how your 15 almost 16 year old mind works. I've been and still am friends with Soda after all. Have fun."


Hey guys! It's been a long time. 

So, I don't know how some of you might take this but, the story is coming to an end! I am going to put the next chapter as the last chapter. I hope y'all like the book. 

I might make a new book by the way. I hope y'all will like it and I'm going to make a collab with musickid1993 in the future. They'll have the book on her account though. 

So, I'll keep y'all posted for when we post that book. I love y'all so so much. Thank you for giving this book some love. I mean, 1.9+K reads, amazing. 

Stay strong, stay beautiful, and stay you.

- Em 🏀💙☽♫

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