Everything... It's... perfect.

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Ponyboy's POV:

I need to calm down. I still have, I looked at my watch and noticed it's 17:30. I still have about 1 hour left.

It's the day of Belle-bunny and I's first date. I hope, everything's good and perfect for her. 

I made the guys hang out with her while I got everything ready. For our date, I made it at the park. It's not really a special place but I imagine that this is where our first date will be, which it is, our first kiss, first 'I love you's', where I ask her to be my girlfriend, where I propose to her etc. So I'm making a picnic. Our date will take place during the sunset. We'll be talking, watching as the sun goes down, eat, obviously, and I'll see how it goes from there. 

*1 hour later*

Belle's POV:

The guys and I were going around town since 16:00 and now we're goin' back. I was looking around, and noticed, how things got better for me.

Once we got to the house Pony led me to our date.

I love how Pony makes me have butterflies in my stomach and the shots of electricity when he touches me.

When we got to the park, I noticed how beautiful it looks. There were lights in the trees and candles on the floor in a circle surrounding the blanket and picnic basket. It looks so beautiful, especially with the sunset in the background.

"What do you think?" I heard Ponyboy ask me from behind.

"It's so beautiful Ponyboy." I said in awe.

"I made it for you. You deserve to something as equally as beautiful as you." 

He's so sweet. How did I get the sweetest guy to go out with me.

"Awww, Pony, you're so sweet."

"C'mon, lets go eat and enjoy the sunset."

This is probably the best thing, that could happen to me.

Throughout the night Ponyboy and I were talking.

"This is probably one of the greatest nights of my life." I told Ponyboy.


"Yeah. I mean, today, while I was looking at the guys, I just realized, if I never called Steve that day. I probably would've been dead by now, or something. I would've never met you, Johnny, Dally, Darry or any of the guys. I'd probably still be with Danny. I was so insecure when I came here. I thought I liked Johnny, but that's only because he reminds me so much of Danny. As a few days passed, we came close. I started to see some brightness. I've, no, we've had ups, and downs." I noticed that Ponyboy looked like he was going to cry. He did but didn't know, that's how I felt, "I'm glad, right now, everything... it's... perfect. Thank you for... everything. You made life and everything perfect."


Last chapter guys! What did you think?

I love y'all so much. I'll see you in the next book. By the way, what do y'all think of werewolves?


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