Meeting the gang?

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Steve's POV:

Oh my god. Why haven't I noticed before? Well, change in plans. We're going to the Curtis' first. Our house will be second. Why am I talking like this?

*4 hours Later*

We're outside the Curtis' house, oh boy. Before I wake up Anabelle I'm goin' to check my phone since I've been gettin' messages from the guys. Er... at least I hope it's not 'em. (A/N: throughout the book they will have cell phones.)

*5 unread messages from Sodapop (2), Darry, Two-Bit, and Dally* (the guys will be in italics and * and what Steve thinks will be in normal writing.)

I didn't want ya'll to know.
*2. I thot we told each other everythin'... 😔 I guess not*
Sorry bud... ok feel kinda bad not tellin' Soda. I mean he's my best friend since grade school for cryin' out loud.

*Is everything ok Steve?*
I hope it will be from now on. And the questions I was hopin' they wouldn't ask...

*Is she hot?*
Oh god

*Are we goin' to meet 'er?*
Oh lord... they will now.

"Hey, Belles. Wake up." I said while shaking her.

"Huh? Steve where are we? Are we at our house?"

"We're at my best friend's house for now. I'll show you our house later." She seemed nervous when I said best friend. Did she have any friends? "Hey Belles, did you have any friends before? You seem kinda tense when I brought up the gang. Also why is your head bleeding? Did mom throw a bottle at you before I got you or something?"

Anabelle's POV:

"We're at my best friend's house for now. I'll show you our house later." When Steve said that, that woke me up fast. I became tense. Will they be mean? Will they like me? If I became friends with 'em will they stay my by side or ditch me after? Then Steve started talking again. "Hey Belles did you have friends before? You seem kinda tense when I brought up the gang." He's in a gang? I tried to keep a poker face. Guess it worked. "Also why is your head bleeding? Did mom throw a bottle at you before I got you or something?"

My heads bleeding? Mom did throw her beer bottle at me before I left. Well not directly at me. Near me is the case. I guess some pieces got in my head. Maybe I didn't feel it. Then again, when she throws beer bottles at me I don't feel it sometimes. "Uh, yeah I guess... Sometimes I don't feel it." I mumbled that last part so he won't hear me. Guess he did since he has mixed emotions on his face. Is it anger?... a little sadness... he probably just feels like he shoulda gotten me outta there when he moved. I brushed off that feeling.

"Oh." That's all he said when the mixed emotions was on his face. Then he shield it. "Let's go meet my friends. My best friend has a little brother. You, him and his best friend could be friends. I know they'll love ya. Who wouldn't?" Mom doesn't, my ex-boyfriend doesn't. No one probably would. Why would they even like me? I'm depressed, emo, I hide in the shadows. I even cut. They probably won't find out. Not now at least. Maybe if they do care... they won't care another voice said in my head. You're a stupid piece of worthless trash. You're mental. Mom said that once. I didn't really think about being mental until now. I guess I zoned out because Steve was outta the car and by my side of the car. "Wanna piggy back ride in?"
Oh god. I'm scared. He might drop me. I'm fat. That's what I think cause mom said I was. I always believed her. I was a little scared. "Are you sure? I'm fat Steve. I don't want you to hurt your back or something."

He had a confused look Oh his face. "What do you mean Belles? You aren't fat. Who told you that?" Should I tell him? Maybe a another time.

"I'll tell ya'll 'nother time. Aight?" He looked a little suspicious. But brushed it off and I'm glad for that.

"Aight Belles. Let's go I'm carrying you in." He put me on his back while I was protesting.

Eventually I gave up because I'm tired. I'm strong but I was tired... anyways Steve got onto the porch and just straight up walked in and I jumped off and stood next to him. The door slammed shut and no one pay attention and I'm glad... Up until Steve said "Hey guys I'd like you to meet my kid sister Anabelle." Everyone TRIED to look at me but I hid behind Steve. Then Steve, being him, pushed me infront of him. I just looked down and blushed because I hate attention, I didn't know 'em and I was nervous. "Say hi Belles." Steve whispered in my right ear.

"Hey." Wow I sound so small. Eh, I don't really care. I know they won't.

"Well howdy pretty lady. My names Sodapop Curtis. But you could call me Soda. I'm 16 going on 17 years old." He looked like a movie star when I took a glance at him. Then I just looked back down. "My older brother Darry is in the kitchen. You can call him Darry. He's 20 years old."

"Hey doll. Names Dallas Winston but you could call me any time 😉. 16 almost 17 in November." Hey sounds like I player. Then again in school I only heard 'em. Not actually been played so I'm good. I'll pass on him.

"Names Two-Bit. 17, 18 in June." A guy in a Mickey mouse shirt said while watching Mickey and this think that's brown and circular while drinking beer.

"That over there is Johnny Cade aka Johnnycakes, 16 years old."Soda said. Johnny said "Hi" in a shy voice, like me. I guess his parents might beat him too. I'll talk to him later. "And last but not least is Mr. Goo-Goo eyes over there. Aka my kid brother Ponyboy. He's 13 going on 14 in July." Once I saw Ponyboy I couldn't keep my eyes off but I managed to do it, unlike him, he couldn't keep his eyes off me. I started blushing when I heard Steve clearing his throat. If Sodapop is those kinds of older brothers when they tease their kid brothers of liking someone then he is going to be teasing Ponyboy about liking me. Oh, who am i kidding? Why would Ponyboy like me?


(A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a week or so I've been a little busy since my uncle came over. I'll admit I've also been procrastinating. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. See ya'll later


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