Daniel's Phone Call

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Anabelle's POV:

Once I felt slightly better we got in a circle to play truth or dare.

"OK since Anabelle is new, she'll be asked first. Aight?" Sodapop said.

"Yeah!" all of the guys said.

"Anabelle, truth or dare?" Two-Bit said.


"Aight. Have you ever dated someone?" he asked.

"Uh... yeah." I replied quietly.

"WHO WAS IT?!" Steve said. Mighty protective may I say.

"It's no one." I said quickly,  "Sodapop, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to... act like Darry for the rest of the gang."

"Aight. I mean *changed voice to a deeper voice* alright. Dally truth or dare." Sodapop had an evil glint in his eye.

"You know I ain't scared o' nun. Dare."

Alright. I dare you to play the rest of the game pants-less."

"Al-" Dal started to say before Steve interrupted him.

"Hey! My kid sister's here guys! No way."

"Fine." Sodapop said, "Shirtless then."

While Steve grumbled incoherent words, Dally said "I'm alright with that." and took off his shirt. He quickly saw that I was staring at him so he smirked while throwing a wink at me. I may have blushed. Then, Dal's smirk grew on his face. 

All of a sudden my phone started ringing. It was Danny!

"Sorry guys, I uh, gotta um take this." I said. Dang. I'm still shuttering. Before anyone answered me I ran out to the porch.

*The Phone Call*


Ana-bunny! Where are you? Are you OK? Are you safe?

Yeah I'm fine. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. Uh... remember when I was telling you about my older brother a while ago?

Yeah, why? What's up?

Well... um I called him today and long story short. I'm here with him in Oklahoma. I forgot to tell you. I'm really sorry! Please don't be mad Danny!

Hey, as long as your fine and safe. I'm OK. I'd rather have you there where you're safe than here with that hag beating you. I should probably get going or else my mom will be thinking that you and I well... ya know.

Yeah I know, bye Danny!

Bye Ana-bunny. I love you!

I love you too. Bye

*End of the call*

"Who was that?"

"AAAHHH!!! Steve! Don't sneak up on me!"

"Sorry, but who was that?'

"O-oh. Um..."


Sorry it was short guys! I wanted to make an update for this year! Have an awesome New Year!


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