She's Gone...

522 14 5

*A/N: Slight trigger, someone dying, and along those lines // you have been warned*

Johnny's POV:

"You're joking right? You're just doing this to hurt me?" Belles said.

"What? No Belle-bear. I really do love you. I was 14 er 13 goin on 14 but you know what I mean. I didn't know what to do." Ponyboy said.


"Hey Belles, what happened out there?" I asked.

"They jumped me. I didn't fight back. My, my mum just died." she said that last part quiet.

"I'm sorry BB." Pone said.

"It's alright. I was coming here to tell Steve. I don't know how he'll react but it was a little hard for me. I mean, I wanted my mum to change, ya know?"


"Do you know where I can find Steve?"

"DX. Want us to go with you?" I said/asked.

"Sure. Thanks y'all."

*5 Minutes Later*

"Hey guys, who's the pretty lil lady?" Soda asked. While we were walking to the DX, Belles put her head on Pony's shoulder. Right know, I know this hurts her. I mean, yeah, her mom wasn't great, or even good, but she's still her mom.

"It's Anabelle Steve."

"ANABELLE!" Soda, Steve, and Darry came and picked her up. Oh, also over the two years since Belles went to the soc side, Danny left.

"Hey, can I talk to Steve alone please?"

"Yeah sure." the guys responded. 

Belles and Steve went outside to talk while the rest of us just goofed around in the DX.

Steve's POV:

"Hey sweetie, how are you? What happened? Why'd you leave us?"

"I'm sad. Honestly, mum died a few days ago. I left for y'all. Well, mostly Ponyboy. I didn't want the socs to jump him. They told me if I went with them, they wouldn't hurt him."

"ArE yOu CrAzY!? How did mom die? Are you couping OK?"

"Yeah. And she committed suicide. And I'm so so with couping. I came back because the guys are thinking of doing the jumpin's. They think it's stupid to do it."

"C'm 'er." I know this is hard on her. I mean, before mom became alcoholic, mom and Ana were close. It hurts to know she feels sad. Especially when I saw her tears.

"She's gone Stevie. She's really gone." Ana's voice cracked in the middle of her sentence. I can feel my shirt starting to get soaked.

"It's alright chipmunk. Let it out, let it all out."

"ChIPMUNK!" now she's on full out sobbing. Mom used to call her chipmunk and me squirrel.

--- 10 Minutes Later ---

After Ana's sobbing died down, all that was left were hiccups. "Hey guys, I think it's better if we go home." I said.

"Yeah, let's go!" the guys responded.

--- 5 Minutes Later---

"I'm bored!" Horseman said.

"Hey guys, did Danny go back?" Ana said.



It was so weird to have the house silent.

--- 2 weeks later ---

Belle's POV:

"Hey Belle-bear. I want no need to tell you something..."

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