They're what?

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Ponyboy's POV:

Belle-bear and Dally are getting jumped.

By 7 socs man.


"Yo Winston, ain't so tuff now are ya? Is this y'alls new girl?" a soc said holding BB. Man, what should I do? Should I go to the gang and call for help? Should I go and help? I don- 

"Leave him the bloody alone!" I heard Belle-bear yell.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do? Sweetcheeks?"

"This!" And before I knew it, Belle was fighting back. And I mean like hardcore.

"Don't. *punch* Ever. *punch* Bloody. *punch* Touch. *punch* Him. *punch* Again. *punch, kick, swipe*" HoW dId ShE gEt A sWiTcHbLaDe!?! Maybe one of the soc's dropped it.

"Damn, for a girl, I never thought you'd be tuff. Say, what yous doin' with a delinquent like 'im?" One asked.

"He's a- a what?"

Shit, shit, shit. She didn't know. Ah geez.

"Ana! No, you don't understand." Dal said.

"Oh, sorry Dallas Winston." One of the socs said mockingly.

"You are so-"

"What else is he? What about the people he hangs with?"

"Tim Shepard's gang? Or the other greasers with Ponyboy Curtis?"

Man, how BB looks, it hurt me. It really did. "Curtis." She said as she wiped her face. Man, she's cryin'. No, no, no.

"Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade are juvenile delinquents too. They killed Bob. Johnny went to jail for 2 weeks, and now, he's not as sweet as he was before. Dallas, he sleeps around with every and almost any girl. So watch out sweetcheeks. Don't let him take you. He also has a recod a mile long, or maybe even longer. Ponyboy, he's in love with Cherry, I'm surprised he let you talk to her like that." cue me feeling hurt and Belle-bear crying, like stream flow, "Awww, don't cry babe, they won't hurt you if you come with us. We'll protect you. I mean, if they really hate us, wouldn't he have done a better job, or better yet, wouldn't Ponyboy or Johnny, or any of them come to get you?" By now, the gang was where I was, listening in. "You're strong Ana. But what would you chose? Being with us, where you'd be safe and loved. Or stay with them greasers?"

"Would you really, protec' me?"

The soc Belle-Bear was talking to had a grin on his face and when he looked up, he saw me. He must've seen what I felt, heartbreak, sadness, hurt... He made eye contact with me and said, "With all our lives. Right boys."

They all agreed. "Yeah David."

"Then I choose..."


Hey guys, I know y'all might hate me for this, but Johnny killing Bob for self defense happened before they met Anabelle. I know it was towards the end of school, but just go with the flow for me? Anyways, what do you think will happen? I'm also going to do a huge time skip next update. Hope y'all don't mind...

-Em 🏀💙☽♫  

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